Check Your Company Name Availability

Check Company Name Availability
There are 16,91,495 companies registered in India and out of it, total 64% are active in status. When you are starting your business, the most important step is to choose the name of company. It may look easy, but it is a complicated process because you cannot just pickup a name you like. Name of the company reflects the idea of your business and it should resonate with the targeted audience. You have to make sure that the name you have chosen for the company is available, unique, and must be legal. The process is bit technical and tricky and at Kanakkupillai, we understand that how important is to choose the name of your company. Our company checking tool is designed to help you check if your desired company name is available for registration. It searches through government databases, trademark records, and domain name registries to ensure that your name is legally free to use.
By using our tool, you can be confident that the name you choose won’t lead to any legal complications, allowing you to move forward with your business with ease. We’re here to make sure your journey to success starts with the perfect name for your dream business.
Why is it important to Check if Company’s Name Available or not?
A unique name of the company helps in building the foundation of your business and therefore it is crucial to check availability of your company name before your register your business:
1. Avoid Issues
If the name you've chosen is already in use, you may be forced to change it after registration, which may lead to significant delays, costs, and a loss of brand identity. With so many registered company names in India, a significant portion of these names are already trademarked or in use. If there is a similarity between the name of your company and the existing one, you can face a lot of legal actions.
Example: Consider the case of Apple Inc. and Apple Corps Ltd., the company founded by The Beatles. Despite operating in completely different industries—Apple Inc. in technology and Apple Corps in music—the similarity in their names led to years of legal disputes. The issue was eventually resolved with Apple Inc. agreeing to pay a settlement and taking steps to avoid further conflicts.
2. Adhere to Naming Regulations
It is pertinent to note that while choosing the name of your company, law and regulation of the country in which you are going to register your business is crucial. In India certain words are restricted by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) and their use in name of a business is strictly prohibited. The words are:
- Reserve Bank of India
- State
- Co-operative
- University
- National
- Insurance, Assurance and Bank
- Chamber of Commerce
- Stock Exchange
- Board, Commission, Council
- Municipal, Panchayat, Government
- Religious terms like God, Deity, Temples, Shakti, Brahma
These restrictions are added to ensure that the names are not misleading, do not create confusion in the mind of common people. If a company violate this naming restriction, then the application for its registration can be rejected and company may face legal consequences.
3. Building Brand
Your company’s name is the foundation of your business and it plays a huge rule in attracting potential. Businesses with unique, memorable names perform better in search engine results. If your name is too similar to another company’s, it can confuse customers and make it harder for your business to show up in search results. A distinctive name gives your business the best chance to rank well online.
A unique name allows you to have a consistent presence on different networks, making it easier for people to find and recognize your business. According to research by Hootsuite, 73% of marketers say social media is key to growing a business. So, securing a name that’s available across all platforms including twitter, Facebook, and all the social media websites.
4. Protect your Brand
Choosing a company name is not just about picking something eye catching, rather it is about choosing the name that shall protect the reputation of your brand and devoid of any legal discrepancy. Before finalizing the name, always make sure that it is free of any legal issues including trademark disputes and conflict with intellectual property rights.
You need to conduct an exhaustive search beyond searching trademarks. Because name may seem clear, but check domain names, social media profiles, and other public business identifiers to make sure that desired name of your company is not already in use elsewhere. Even a subtle similarity can create confusion in the customers and lead unwanted challenges.
5. Avoid unnecessary Delays in Registration
The Small Business Administration (SBA) reports that small business owners often spend around 7 hours a week on administrative tasks, including paperwork. Therefore, checking the availability of your company name before you start your business can save a lot of time and money. Because the name of your company is already taken then you have to start all over the process again which can cause significant hurdles in operation of your business.
Our service allows you to get instant results, so you won’t waste time or resources on a name that’s already taken.
How to Check Company Name Availability
At Kanakkupillai, we have made the wholes process of checking the name easier so you can check the name of your company name quickly and easily and focus on developing your business.
Step 1: Submit Your Name Idea
Enter your desired business name into our tool. You can submit multiple variations if you’re not quite sure which name is best.
Step 2: Run the Search
Our tool automatically searches through official government business registration databases, trademark records, and domain name registries to determine whether your name is already taken.
Step 3: Check the Results
After the search, Once the search is complete, you will get instant result showing whether your company name is available or already in use. If the name is already taken by other business entity then a new screen showing the company details, share capital & number of employees, contact details, and address of the company will pop-up on the portal.
If name is unavailable, our team of professional will help you will all the alternative suggestions and guide you on how to modify your company’s name.
What If Your Name Is Already Taken?
If the name you’ve chosen is already in use, don’t worry! There are several steps you can take:
1. Choose a New Name
Try coming up with a new name that is unique, relevant, and memorable. You can use a tool to brainstorm creative alternatives.
2. Change Your Name
Sometimes, making small changes in your company name, like adding a word, using a synonym, or incorporating a location or industry term, can make it unique.
3. Check Registered Trademarks
If the name if available for registration, you should always check if the name is registered trademark. Cross-checking every single detail shall help you n avoiding potential consequences.
4. Get Expert Help
It is always better to consult with a legal professional who can guide you through the entire process. Any mistake n choosing the name can cause unnecessary hurdles and delays. Our team your professionals is here to make the make process easy for you and to make sure that the name of your company is both available and legally compliant.
Tips for Choosing a Company Name
Here are some additional tips to consider when choosing your business name:
1. Be Unique and Memorable
Select a name that is easy to remember and stands out from competitors.
2. Reflect Your Brand
Your name should reflect what your business stands for. It should align with your company values, mission, and the products or services you provide.
3. Avoid Overused Words
Generic or overused words can make your name less distinctive and harder to register. Be creative!
4. Think About Future Growth
Consider the future trajectory of your business. Choose a name that will still be relevant as your company expands.
5. Check for Domain Availability
Having a matching domain name for your business is important. Ensure that the domain name is available for your website.
6. Consider International Impact
If your business is global, make sure your name doesn’t have unintended negative connotations in other languages or cultures.