How to update your name on your Aadhaar card
Aadhar Updates

A Step-by-Step Guide to Changing Your Name on Your Aadhaar Card

9 Mins read

For Indian residents, Aadhaar is a 12-digit identification number that serves as proof of identity and address. It is the largest biometric identification system in the world and is issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI).

Biometric and demographic data, such as a person’s name, address, gender, date of birth, photograph, and fingerprints, are all included on the Aadhaar card. The card can be used to get government benefits, services, and subsidies, open bank accounts, apply for loans, and use other services.

It is essential to keep in mind that not all Indian citizens are required to have an Aadhaar card. To take advantage of the many advantages that come with Aadhaar, however, it is strongly suggested that you sign up for it.

Since the Aadhaar card serves as an individual’s primary identifier, it is essential to have an accurate name on it. The name on the Aadhaar card ought to be the same as the name on other identity documents like driving licenses, voter ID cards, and passports. Having an accurate name on the Aadhaar card is critical for the following reasons:

  1. Identification: For a variety of purposes, Aadhaar is used as proof of identity and address. Services may be denied as a result of inaccurate names on the card. This can make it difficult to identify the cardholder.
  1. Verification: For the purposes of verification, the Aadhaar card requires an accurate name. For example, when a singular applies for a credit or a Visa, the name on the Aadhaar card is checked against other character reports.
  1. Transactions in Money: For financial transactions, the Aadhaar card requires an accurate name. For instance, it may be difficult to receive payments or transfer funds if the name on the Aadhaar card does not match the name on the bank account.
  1. Plans of the government: Aadhaar is required to participate in a number of government programs, including the MNREGA and LPG subsidies. If the name on the Aadhaar card is wrong, it might be hard to use these benefits.

To avoid any inconvenience or complications, it is therefore essential to check that the name on the Aadhaar card matches the name on other identity documents.

Process of UIDAI Aadhaar Name Change

Understanding the eligibility criteria for a name change

The following are the eligibility requirements for changing the name on the Aadhaar card:

  • Proper Name: The person must have the correct name, which means that the name that needs to be changed must not be the same as the name that is currently registered on the Aadhaar card.
  • Record Confirmation: The individual must have the correct name on valid identification. A driving license, a PAN card, a voter ID card, or a passport are examples of accepted identity proof documents.
  • Age: Altering a person’s name on an Aadhaar card is possible at any age.
  • Gender: Regardless of gender, the person can change their name on the Aadhaar card.
  • Native Indian: To change the name on their Aadhaar card, the individual must be a resident of India.

It is essential to keep in mind that UIDAI reserves the right to deny the request for a name change if the provided documents are found to be inadequate or if the information provided does not match. Additionally, providing false information when applying for the name change could result in legal action.

Documents Required for Aadhaar Name Change

The following documents and information must be provided by an individual in order to change the name on their Aadhaar card:

  • Aadhaar Number: The name change request must be started with the 12-digit Aadhaar number.
  • Valid Proof of Identity: The individual must present a valid document that shows their correct name as proof of identity. A driving license, a PAN card, a voter ID card, or a passport are examples of accepted identity proof documents.
  • Correct / Proper Name: The individual must provide the correct name for the Aadhaar card to be updated.
  • Scanned copy of original documents: During the online update request, the individual must upload scanned copies of the correct name, displaying a valid identity proof document.
  • Email ID: To receive updates and notifications regarding the update request, the individual must have a legitimate email address.

To avoid any delay or rejection of the update request, it is essential to verify that the provided documents match the information entered during the request. Additionally, there may be a fee associated with the process of changing a name, the amount of which may differ depending on the kind of update that is requested.

Tips for Avoiding Mistakes During the Aadhaar Name Change Process

When changing the name on the Aadhaar card, the following steps should be taken to avoid making mistakes:

  • Verify and Confirm the Proper Name:

It is essential to confirm the correct name that needs to be updated on the Aadhaar card prior to initiating the name change request. Checking the name on other identity documents like a passport, PAN card, voter ID card, or driving license can accomplish this.

  • Cross-check details before submission:

To avoid errors during the online update request, it is essential to double-check all entered information, including the name and document information.

  • Submit only Valid and Authentic Documents:

To ensure that the update request is processed efficiently, the individual must submit valid documents that include the correct name. The submitted documents ought to be in the appropriate size and format.

  • Before submitting, check again or double-check:

To ensure that there are no errors or omissions, double-check all of the information entered and the documents uploaded prior to submitting the update request.

  • Keep track of your status:

Through the mAadhaar app or the UIDAI website, the individual must monitor the status of their update request. The UIDAI helpdesk should be notified immediately if any errors or mistakes are discovered.

  • Seek Expert Assistance:

An Aadhaar enrolment centre or a certified agency can provide professional assistance to individuals who are unsure of the procedure or encounter difficulties updating the name on their Aadhaar card.

Kanakkupillai can provide hassle-free assistance which would help you ensure a valid name change on your Aadhaar which would help you stay worry-free and updated like our thousands of other customers.

People can avoid making mistakes when changing the name on their Aadhaar card and ensure that the update request is processed smoothly by following these steps.

Online Aadhaar Card Name Change Process

Step-by-step instructions for initiating the name change process online

The following are the online steps for changing the name on the Aadhaar card:

  1. Visit the Update Portal for Aadhaar Self-Service:

Visit the official Aadhaar Self-Service Update Portal.

  1. Use your Aadhaar number to log in:

Click the “Send OTP” button after entering your 12-digit Aadhaar number.

  1. Verify OTP:

Enter the OTP got on your enrolled versatile number and snap on the “Login” button.

  1. Select “Name Update”:

Under the section titled “Select field(s) to update,” select the “Name” option.

  1. Enter the Correct Name:

Follow the instructions on the valid identity document and enter your full name.

  1. Upload proper documents:

Scan a copy of the legitimate identity document with your full name on it and attach it.

  1. Submit Your Request:

After checking the information entered, click the “Submit” button.

  1. Receipt of Acknowledgment:

The generated acknowledgement receipt can be downloaded and saved for future reference.

  1. Verification Process:

The check interaction for the most part requires a couple of days, and you will get an SMS or email affirmation in regards to the situation with your update demand.

  1. New Aadhaar Card Download:

You can get your new Aadhaar card with your new name from the UIDAI website or the mAadhaar app if your request is approved.

It is essential to keep in mind that the information entered during the online update request needs to be precise and consistent with the information on the legitimate identity proof document. Additionally, the update request may be rejected if there is a mismatch or incorrect information is provided. As a result, before submitting the update request, it is strongly suggested that the specifics be verified once more.

How do you check the status of your Aadhaar Name Change Request?

The following steps should be taken in order to check the status of an online request to change one’s Aadhaar name:

  1. Check out the UIDAI website at Click on the “My Aadhaar” dropdown menu on the official UIDAI website (
  2. “Check Aadhaar Update Status” should be clicked: Select the “Check Aadhaar Update Status” option from the “Get Aadhaar” section.
  3. Enter the Aadhaar code: In the space provided, enter your 12-digit Aadhaar number.
  4. Input a URN or SRN: Enter the Update Request Number (URN) or Service Request Number (SRN) that was provided at the time of the name change request.
  5. Enter the Captcha: Enter the screen-displayed security code.
  6. Simply select “Get Status”: To determine the status of your Aadhaar name change request, click the “Get Status” button.
  7. Check Status: On the screen, the status of your name change request will be shown.

The verification procedure is still in progress if the status reads “Under Process.” If the status is “Rejected,” it means that the update request was turned down and that you need to start the process with the right information.

It is important to note that the status can also be checked by calling the UIDAI helpline number or using the mAadhaar app. Additionally, the status may not be updated immediately after the update request is submitted. As a result, it’s best to check the status after a few days have passed since you submitted the update request.

Verification Process for Completing the Name Change

Overview of the verification process

The following steps are required to verify a name change on Aadhaar:

  1. Submission of Request: Either online or offline, the individual makes the request to change their name in their Aadhaar.
  2. Verification of the Document: The UIDAI verifies the name change request by examining the individual’s submitted supporting documents. The submitted documents must be legitimate and include the correct name.
  3. Biometric Verification: The individual must go through a biometric verification process that checks their iris scan and fingerprint. This is done to make sure that the person making the request is the real one and to avoid any scams.
  4. Approval or Rejection: The name change request is either approved or rejected by the UIDAI following the biometric verification procedure. The individual’s name is updated in the Aadhaar database if the request is approved.
  5. Generation of New Aadhaar Card: The person can get their new Aadhaar card with the new name from the UIDAI website or the mAadhaar app once the name change request is approved.

It is essential to keep in mind that the verification procedure may take several days and that the status can be viewed online or by calling the UIDAI helpline number. Additionally, the update request may be rejected if there is a mismatch or incorrect information is provided. As a result, before submitting the update request, it is strongly suggested that the specifics be verified once more.

How to Download the Updated Aadhaar Card with the New Name?

Following a name change, the following steps should be taken to download the Aadhaar card:

  1. Check out the UIDAI website at Click on the “Download Aadhaar” option when you are on the official UIDAI website (
  2. Enter Aadhaar Details: Fill in your full name, pin code, and 12-digit Aadhaar number or 28-digit enrolment ID.
  3. Request for OTP: To receive a one-time password on your registered mobile number, click the “Get One Time Password” button.
  4. Enter the OTP: In the space provided, enter the OTP that was sent to your registered mobile number.
  5. Select Download Aadhaar: Select the “Download Aadhaar” option from the “Select your preference to receive your Aadhaar” section.
  6. Enter the Captcha: Enter the screen-displayed security code.
  7. Click on “Download Aadhaar”: To download your Aadhaar card, click the “Download Aadhaar” button.

You can obtain an updated Aadhaar card with the new name if your name has recently been changed. The password for the Aadhaar card’s downloaded PDF file will be the first four letters of your name in capital letters, followed by your birth year in the YYYY format.

It is essential to keep in mind that the downloaded Aadhaar card is a legitimate proof of identity, address, and updated name. The updated Aadhaar card with the new name can also be downloaded using the mAadhaar app.


In conclusion, modifying an individual’s Aadhaar name is a straightforward procedure that can be carried out either online or offline. Because it serves as valid proof of identity and address, it is essential to have an accurate name on the Aadhaar card. A government-issued identity card, a document supporting the name change, and an updated mobile number and email ID are among the necessary documents and information required for a name change under Aadhaar’s eligibility criteria. It is essential to double-check the provided information and ensure that it corresponds to the supporting documents in order to avoid errors when changing the name on the Aadhaar. A new Aadhaar card with the new name can be downloaded from the UIDAI website or the mAadhaar app once the request is approved. The verification process for a name change in Aadhaar includes document verification and biometric verification. Overall, changing a person’s name on their Aadhaar is a simple process that can be done quickly and easily with the right information and documents.

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