Can an FDI invest in LLP?
Limited Liability Partnership

Can an FDI Invest in LLP?

6 Mins read

FDI remains a significant force that determines the economic systems of the emerging economy such as India. As today’s international enterprises look for fresh opportunities for growth possible, they look at India as an attractive market. Typically, FDI flows into private limited companies or public companies, but a pertinent question arises: In which extent can one FDI invest in an LLP (Limited Liability Partnership)?

This blog will seek to explain the meaning of FDI and LLPs, look at the law as regards FDI and LLPs and finally review the regulations on FDI in LLPs. Moreover, added as well as constraints of FDI in LLPs, moreover the guideline as well as predictions for investors & emerging businessmen will also be provided.

Introduction: Cross Comparison of FDI and LLPs

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has remained an important means of funding and bringing in the much needed technology into the Indian market. Although FDI mainly involves direct investment in companies, due to the increasing use of the LLP structure, it is doubtful whether foreign investors can introduce capital into such structures.

An LLP is company type that is a blend of a partnership company and a limited company, in terms of profits, losses and liabilities. It has a relatively more open framework of organization than the conventional corporations, which may attract both domestic and overseas investors. But foreign players planning investment in the country through FDI in LLPs must understand the legalities and the restrictions associated with the same.

Here, you will find detailed information as to how foreign investments in LLP work, legal requirements, FDI policies, and the main difficulties.

What is FDI?

It will be pertinent to define FDI before going deeper into its involvement with LLPs The abbreviation stands for Foreign Direct Investment.

Foreign Direct Investment which is commonly abbreviated as FDI is the investment of an entity in one country through investing in the business interest of an entity in another country.

The meaning of FDI is investment undertaken by a foreign participant in an enterprise in another country. Usually FDI takes place when an investor from a different country acquires stake or invests in stock and other securities. The main stake drive of FDI is interest and control for the long-term while portfolio investment aims at shorter term returns.

FDI plays a significant role in:

  • Economic growth: It provides funds to emerging markets, reinforcing business growth and employment opportunities.
  • Technology and knowledge transfer: Experience suggests foreign investors introduce superior technology and international business techniques.
  • Infrastructure development: Increased FDI can increase the quality of infrastructure networks and bring about more competitiveness.

In India the FDI is governed by the FEMA act of India, RBI rules and regulations and DPIIT. Global investments can be directed towards sectors that are recognized in two categories: an automatic route and a government route.

What is an LLP?

An LLP is a form of business carrying the features of both partnership and limited companies but not falling under either of them. It is an legal formation type that combines the nature of a partnership with elements of limited liability of a corporation. The idea of an LLP is defined by the Limited Liability Partnership Act of 2008 in the India.

Key Features of an LLP:

  • Limited Liability Protection: It is not extensible from the aforesaid that the partners are legally responsible for the debts that has been incurred in the LLP beyond their capital that they invested in the LLP.
  • Flexibility in Management: This means that LLPs permit partners to control the business affairs first hand and the corporate structure-formality is not applied.
  • Separate Legal Entity: An LLP is different from its partners in the way that it is even a juridical person similar with that of a limited company.
  • Tax Pass-through: Sole traders and partnerships are not taxed at the entity level hence LLPs do not pay taxes at that level. Rather, the income is reported to the partners who are charged the necessary taxes by the internal revenue service.

This form of business organization is preferred mostly by accountants, lawyers and consultants since it easy to operate and has tax incentives among others.

Legal Aspects of FDI in India

India has laws that regulate FDI and there has been an increment in the FDI flows to the country. The FEMA in conjunction with the FDI policy policy unravel the guidelines governing foreign investment in the Indian business structures.

Policy & Procedure Checklist for FDI for Companies Operating in India

FDI in Indian companies is allowed through two main routes:

  1. Automatic Route: FDI can be done without any prior approval of the government where FDI is permitted in certain sectors.
  2. Government Route: FDI is subject to restrictions or limitations in many sectors and foreign investors need approval from the Indian government.

Some industries are closely restricted from foreign investment; societies affecting defence, media, and retail are limited in their foreign investment to regulate and subject to certain provisions.

Can FDI Invest in an LLP?

The question that most foreign investors may think to ask is whether FDI is permitted in Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs). The answer is nuanced.

FDI in LLPs: The Legal Perspective

More precisely, FDI in LLPs is permitted, though with certain restrictions and conditions. The Indian government has paraded standard procedural legal requirements on their policy in relation to FEMA regulations concerning foreign investment in LLPs.

Key conditions include:

  • Permitted Sectors: Foreign investment is allowed in LLPs only in sectors which are permitted with under the automatic route from companies. The FDI in LLP is allowed only in sectors that allow 100% FDI under the auto-route.
  • Foreign Investors: This FDI is permitted from the countries that are not under the negative list which means they restrict FDI.
  • No Investment in Restricted Sectors: An attempt to invest in the country’s agriculture, construction and real estate domain is prohibited (with minor exception) for foreign investors.

Although the FDI in LLPs is permitted and under the FEMA it has laid down some basic guidelines that have to be followed and it must follow the conditions which is stated by RBI as well as by DPIIT.

Challenges and Restrictions for Foreign Investment in LLPs

Like anything else, there are sps of pros and some cons or regulatory risks that the foreign investors need to know with FDI in LLPs.

Key Challenges:

  1. Regulatory Compliance: It is also important for the foreign investors to understand FEMA regulations aid gain necessary approvals which might be tiresome and challenging.
  2. Limited Sector Options: The FDI in LLPs is allowed only in sectors where FDI is allowed under the automatic route. There are industries that are closed for foreign investments in the LLP structure, these being agriculture, real estate, and retail.
  3. Management Control: The Indian Company Law may present issues to the foreign investor in the sense that they might lack sufficient measure of control or management of the LLP especially where there were already Indian partners with similar or higher controlling powers.
  4. Exit Strategy: It might be relatively easy to exit an LLP than exit a company since there are no shares to sell. The process of disinvestment or divestment is slightly more tedious.

How Can Foreign Investors Invest in LLPs?

For foreign investors interested in investing in an LLP in India, here is a general outline of the process:

  1. Check Eligibility: Check and ensure the sector in which the LLP is functioning receives FDI automatically without the requirement of approval from the Government of India.
  2. Comply with FEMA Guidelines: This means that the LLP and the foreign investor must meet compliance standards and every regulation in FEMA.
  3. Investment Structuring: Amount of Investment: Decide the amount of investment that is to be made by investors offered to certain terms of the Investment agreement.
  4. Government Approval (If Required): Where the investment is to be made in a restricted sector, get clearance from the Indian government regulatory authority.
  5. Documentation and Reporting: Ensure proper documentation of the investment such as in the share registrar and the other papers to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).

Alternatives to LLPs for Foreign Investors

In case the investment into an LLP appears to be problematic because of sectoral restrictions or regulatory frameworks, the foreign investors may consider other more receptive business forms of investment.

Key Alternatives:

  • Private Limited Companies: These are all the most frequent types of organisations that invest in India from a foreign country. For this structure, FDI is relatively easy and not strictly controlled.
  • Joint Ventures (JVs): foreigner can invest in India through joint ventures that is where an Indian partner and a foreign investor combine their resources in a business transaction and share the profits to losses incurred.
  • Partnerships: In some situations, foreign investors may engage in a partnership with Indian firms, though this form is not very common, as the liability of the business partners involved is not limited.


Foreign Direct Investment FDI in Limited Liability Partnerships in India can be made; however, it is accompanied by some regulatory proscriptions and restrictions. Investors from other countries are bound by FEMA rules, immediately invest in sectors of the country that are okayed for FDI by the automatic route, and meet all legal compliances. However, there are lots of opportunities in terms of an LLP, some of which include limited liability, tax benefits, and organizational freedom.

Nevertheless, if the sector is limited, or there are certain issues related to management control, foreign investors will be better off looking for other business forms that are available for investments in the country, like private limited companies or joint ventures. In conclusion, by analyzing the existing legislation and choosing the basic forms of organizing the investment rather lightly, foreign investors will be able to make the right decisions to invest in an Indian LLP.

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A Lawyer by profession and a writer by passion, my expertise extends to creating insightful content on topics such as company, GST, accounts payable, and invoice. Expertise in litigation, legal writing, legal research.
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