Common Misconceptions About Copyright Registration

Common Misconceptions About Copyright Registration

4 Mins read

Copyright registration is a vital element that is incorporated under copyright law to secure the intellectual property rights and original and novel work of creators in the public domain. However, the concept of copyright registration is often surrounded by various myths and confusion, which leads to various types of misconceptions regarding the role and significance of copyright registration. Being a creator of any branch to which copyright law provides a safeguard, it is very crucial to understand the real essence and truth about the concept of copyright registration. This article will contain various common misconceptions regarding copyright registration.

Common Misconceptions about Copyright

The misconception is as follows:-

1. Copyright registration is required for a work to be protected under a law

The most popular misunderstanding that circulates around the creators is that their work is required to be registered as per legal provisions under copyright law to protect their work. Many Creators are unaware that copyright protection is available to them automatically at the very same moment when their creative and novel work comes under the umbrella of a tangible medium. For example- Recording, Writing or any kind of digital storage. The Berne Convention also provides that copyright protection arises without any formal registration.

But it is also very important to discuss that if a creator registers their work as per the law, then they will get a legal advantage. To sue in a court of law for any copyright infringement it is mandatory that your work must be registered in copyright office, also legal registration of a work establishes a public record which provides a various legal remedy to the creators against the infringers.

2. Copyright registration is a one-time process

The misconception is also that once copyright registration has been done, it will last for an infinite time period. Copyright itself lasts for quite a long period in many countries, usually the entire life of a creator and 70 years in addition to that. However, a fact that needs to be acknowledged is that if there is any updated version, extended work, work with substantial changes, or any kind of new version of any registered work, it needs to be registered separately.

3. Copyright registration is too costly

Generally creators feel hesitant about registering their work due to misunderstanding regarding the cost of copyright registration because they believe that it is a very costly process but in a reality, it is a very moderate and affordable process.

Basically, they need to understand that it is a one-time investment to avail themselves of the legal benefits of the registration, which includes legal damages.

4. Copyright registration protects ideas

Copyright law only recognises and protects the expression of ideas and not merely ideas, facts or concepts. For example- if you have an idea for a song, the idea itself can not be copyrighted. However, the actual songs and lyrics you write can be protected. If a creator wants to protect their idea, then they need to consider various other legal tools such as patents, trademarks, designs, etc.

5. Only Completed work can be registered

Normally, creators believe that incompleted work such as drafts, sketches, plots or any other incompleted version of their work that they want to complete can not be registered, but the reality is that their incompleted work can also be registered provided that they are in a tangible form. Basically, it is beneficial for a creator who wants to protect and secure their ideas while they are at a development level of their work, which they want to finish.

But in the future, if there is any modification, variation, or addition to their incomplete work, then the protection of their previous work will not be extended to their modified work. If a complete version is significantly different from the draft work, it needs to be registered secretly.

6. Copyright protection is not valid if you don’t use the (©) symbol

It is totally a misconception that the use of copyright symbol is mandatory for a work to be protected; the only use of © symbol is just to inform the public as a notice that the particular work is copyrighted and specifies the owner’s claim. Omitting the symbol does not affect the validity of copyright protection, but it may create a misunderstanding in the public about the protection of the work.

7. Copyright registration is necessary only in your country

Though copyright protection is applicable internationally, the enforcement may vary depending on the jurisdiction of a particular country. So, registering your work in your own country is a strong step, but it will not give you full protection automatically in other countries as well; you need to register your work in the specific country to make your ability to enforce your rights properly in that specific country as well. As we know, in treaties like the Berne Convention, member countries agree to respect each other’s countries’ copyrights. If you want to communicate, distribute, or market your work internationally, it is advisable to secure protection internationally by registering your work in other countries as well.


Online copyright registration is a very important tool for creators to protect their intellectual property rights and get legal advantages against infringers to make their work safe and secure, as well as many more opportunities. However, misconceptions regarding copyright registration may lead to unnecessary and unwanted risks to the creator. Creators need to understand the importance of the formal registration of their work, and to make the strong roots of their work, it’s very important to get their work incorporated under the copyright law to avail the various legal advantages; otherwise, their work will get devalued in terms of legal remedies. Being a creator, it is very important to understand the legal provisions regarding the registration of their work in order to get legal protection. If you have any doubts or queries, it is advisable to consult a legal professional to ensure your creative work is protected in a proper manner at a large level.

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A lawyer who write and create a legal content with various prospective on different aspects on various legal topics and try to enrich the legal content through deep insightful legal research..!
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