Company Registration Number or CRN is a unique number granted by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) during the company registration process. It will also be displayed on the public register next to the company’s information. This unique registration number is published on your COI or Certificate of Incorporation and also printed on all the official documentation of the company. It is an automatically generated registration number and there is no option to choose or change your CRN.
You can obtain CIN by procuring a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) and Director Identification Number (DIN), getting the name approved, and filing documents of incorporation, including the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association of the Company. The 21-digit CIN has its own meaning which is easily translatable and which helps in finding basic information relating to a company. It is used for finding the primary details of the companies which are registered within the country under MCA.
Online registration, enables business people to save more time and money because they can operate by themselves. This kind of registration excludes the need for printing applications, compiling reports, attending a specific place, and so on. Your Company Registration Number (CRN) is unique to your limited company or LLP. You can find it on your certificate of incorporation and any official documentation from Companies House. Your CRN is also displayed on the public register of companies, which can be accessed online via Companies House Service.
What is a Company Registration Number (CRN) or Corporate Identification Number (CIN)?
The company registration number called the CIN number in India, is a unique number that is assigned by the Registrar of Companies (ROC). The ROC is found in various states in India and is under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. It is used to find the primary details of any company registered in India.
CRN registration is required for each jurisdiction where the equipment is used. Once registered, fabrication and inspection are handled the same as with National Board production. Once registered any number of identical vessels or fittings can be produced. CRN-registered products can be built anywhere in the world.
Company Registration Number also known as Corporate/Company Identification Number or CIN, itis a 21-digit unique alphanumeric number issued under the Companies Act 2013 to every company which is registered officially.
Format of a CIN number
-  The first letter of the CIN symbolizes the status of the company whether it is U or L, ‘U’ stands for the unlisted company, and ‘L’ stands for the listed company.
- The next 5 digits represent the Industry to which the company activities belong to. It symbolizes the type of company.
Below are some examples of ROC industry codes used in Company Registration Numbers or CIN Numbers are as follows:Â
S.No |
Activity |
Activity Code |
1 |
For Hospitals |
851100 |
2 |
For Motor vehicles freight transport |
60231 |
3 |
For Contract basis real estate activities |
70200 |
4 |
For Retail sale of construction materials |
52341 |
5 |
For Mineral water manufacture |
15543 |
6 |
Farming of, cattle, sheep, goats, asses, hinnies, horses, mules, dairy farming |
01211 |
7 |
Travel agencies and tour operator’s activities |
63040 |
8 |
Production, Supply, and documentation of ready-made software |
72211 |
-  The next two digits of the CIN symbolize in which state the company is registered officially. It is the code of the state tagged with the company after the registration process. For instance, if the company is registered in Tamil Nadu then the state code will be TN
- The next 4 digits of the registration number denote the year in which the company has been registered.
- The next 3 letters represent the type of ownership of the company. For instance., PLC for a Public Limited Company, SGCÂ for a Company of State Government, NPL for a Section 8 Company or Not for Profit Company, OPC for One person Company, and so on
- The last 6 digits of the company registration number is the actual unique Registration Number of the company which is allocated by the ROC officially.
Process for Obtaining Company’s CIN Number
Once you’ve selected what kind of business you want to establish, the steps to acquire a CIN are as follows.
- Get a DSC (Digital Signature Certificate)
- Get DIN (Director Identification Number)
- Must complete the registration of a new user
- Following this, complete the company incorporation procedure.
- Incorporate Company
In addition, after receiving the company’s incorporation forms, the MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs) will evaluate and approve the application. After all information in the application has been checked, the CIN is issued.
Importance of Corporate Identification Number or CIN in India
A corporate Identification Number is used to track all the activities and functions of a company from its incorporation by the Registrar of Companies or ROC. It is required to be displayed or submitted on all the transactions and documentation with the respective State’s ROC.
As the 21-digit CIN number is very unique and has its own meaning which is easily convertible that helps in detecting all the basic information about the company. This unique number is used to get the primary details about the companies which are formally registered under MCA. It can be used for fingering or tracking companies for various levels of details that MCA/ROC holds.
How to Check the Company Registration Number or CIN Online?
Anyone can check the Company registration number, date of incorporation, type of company, accusations of a company, directors of the company, and so on from the official MCA site. Even documents like balance sheets, annual returns documents, and other official documents can also be available on the website and you can get them by paying the appropriate fees.
1) Go to the MCA website
2) Click MCA Services → FO services → Find CIN
3)”Find CIN” Search Based on Registration no
1. Select Search Based on Registration no
2. Enter the registration number of the company in the search box and click on the “Search” button.
3) The system will display a list of companies that match the registration number entered. Click on the company name to view the company master data.
4) In the company master data, you will be able to find the CIN of the company.
4) “Find CIN” Search Based on inactive CIN
1) Select Search Based on inactive CIN from the page.
2) Enter the inactive CIN number in the search box.
3) Click on the “Search” button.
4) The system will display the details of the company or LLP associated with the inactive CIN.
The result page will display the following information about the company:
- Company Registration Number or Company Identification Number
- Name of Company
- Date of Incorporation
- Category of the Company
- Class of company
- Authorized and details of paid-up capital
- Number of members of the Company
- Registered office address and e-mail
- Assets undercharge
- The details of the Company Directors

Sample Company/LLP Master Data
Other Methods to Find CIN
1) Search Based on Existing Company/LLP Name
1) Select Search Based on Existing Company/LLP Name from the page.
2) Enter the name of the company or LLP you are searching for and select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu.
3) Click on the “Search” button.
4) The system will display a list of companies or LLPs that match the name entered. Click on the company or LLP name to view the master data.
5) In the master data, you will be able to find the CIN of the company or LLP.
2) Search Based on Old Company/LLP Name
1) Select Search Based on Old Company/LLP Name from the page.
2) Enter the old name of the company or LLP you are searching for and click on the “Search” button.
3) The system will display a list of companies or LLPs that match the old name entered. Click on the company or LLP name to view the master data.
4) In the master data, you will be able to find the CIN of the company or LLP.
Where does CIN or CRN have to be Displayed?
Every company such as Public and Private Limited etc. which is registered in India needs to mention its Company Identification Number or Company Registration Number on several documents such as:
- On Receipts and Invoices
- On Legal Notice
- On Company official Letterheads
- Annual Reports of the Company
- On all e-forms on the MCA portal.
- Any other official publications
- Penalty for non-compliance
Penalty for Non-compliance of Mentioning CIN
In case the above-mentioned requirements aren’t followed then the defaulting company and its default officer can be penalized of Rs. 1,000/day, till such default continues. However, the maximum penalty amount for this default is restricted to Rs. 1,00,000.
Changing the Company Registration Number or CIN in India
Company registration number or CIN which is issued under MCA to every registered company for identification can be altered in certain circumstances such as:
- Â Any change in the location of the company, such as changing from one state to another state
- Any change in the listing position of a company
- Any change in the sector or industry type to which a company belongs.
If you have been searching for an expert who can assist you with your registration number or CIN in India, you can call (+91 7305 345 345) on Kanakkupillai experts.