E-Kharid Portal Unveiled: Your Gateway to Seamless Online Shopping Experiences!

E-Kharid Portal Unveiled: Your Gateway to Seamless Online Shopping Experiences!

6 Mins read

The state of Haryana is mostly an agricultural one. The growth of the state economy is significantly dependent on the agricultural sector and related industries. After Punjab, Haryana contributes the second most food grains to the central pool. In Haryana, almost two-thirds of the people work in agriculture and related fields either directly or indirectly. The government of Haryana consistently devises fresh plans and initiatives to improve the lot of the state’s farmers. Another government program that enables farmers to sell their produce at fair rates (MSP) is called e-Kharid.

The state of Haryana’s farmers now have access to an internet site created by the government. “The e-Kharid Portal” Farmers may simply sell their crops using this gateway. The e-kharid platform offers a farmer record search feature for both the Kharif and Rabi crops. Farmers may sign up online to sell their products with a phone number on this platform. This article contains information on this strategy.

What is e-kharid?

The Haryana government launched the e-Kharid trading site to facilitate the online exchange of agricultural products and other commodities. With the help of this innovative platform, farmers will have more access to the marketplace and the world of e-commerce, enabling them to independently sell their goods.

Similar to other e-commerce websites, e-kharid also offers an online payment option. The food supply ministry and the Haryana State Agricultural Marketing (HSAM) board established this as a single forum for all stakeholders.

The farmers, dealers, market committees, government departments, commission agents, consumers, and exporters are typically stakeholders on the e-kharid platform. All of these parties have access to a shared platform through e-kharid.

The e-kharid platform aims to give farmers access to e-commerce services, introduce them to trading, and ensure transparency at every stage of the trade process. In terms of the pricing at which their food is sold and the real-time knowledge about the commerce that this provides, farmers also feel secure.

Online Registration Process for eKharid

There are a few things you need to understand before registering. Upon registering, applicants are required to provide their active mobile number to access their mobile number details. An Aadhar card is required for the application. To complete bank information forms, they also need to maintain a passbook.

Farmers who wish to register may use the E-Kharid website and the procedures listed below.

  • Applicants must first go to https://ekharid.haryana.gov.in/login, the official site.
  • Once you enter the main page, you will see a link for farmer registration.
  • Enter your cellphone number in the field after your Aadhaar number.
  • They are now required to submit personal data, including name, father’s name, state, region, village, etc. They then have to input their address.
  • At this point, customers have to choose the identity evidence they want to upload and enter their birthdate.
  • They now have to submit a passport-sized picture and an ID document.
  • After that, they will be interrogated concerning the land. They must choose Yes and input the land area details if they own land. Click No if they lack any land.
  • Kisan Credit will now be the topic of questioning. The credit card number is required if Kisan Credit is present. It is necessary to choose the No option if there isn’t a Kisan Credit Card.
  • They must submit a duplicate of the passbook’s first page after providing bank details such as the bank’s name, IFSC code, account holder name, etc. Customers are then required to choose the Continue option.
  • The seeding information form will appear on the next page, where they must enter the scheme name, harvest year, area, and owner data.
  • They now have to choose the submit option. Get the ekharid registration slip printed.

Eligibility Criteria for e-kharid

It must meet specific eligibility requirements to register on the e-kharid website. The following are the qualifying requirements:

  • Every farmer who receives assistance must be a Haryana resident.
  • The candidate must be at least eighteen years old to register.
  • The applicant must present identifying documentation, such as a voter ID, PAN, or UID.

Guidelines for Registering on the eKharid Portal

You have to complete the enrollment procedure on the eKharid site by providing certain essential information.

  • The candidate must, above all, be a resident of Haryana.
  • An Aadhar card is required for the application.
  • The applicant must be at least eighteen years old to be eligible for admission.
  • The applicant must provide a valid cellphone number.
  • Enter a working mobile number since information will be delivered via SMS to the registered phone.
  • The applicant has to supply their birthdate exactly as it is on their Aadhar card.
  • Any duplicate record, including an Aadhaar card, a driver’s license, a resident ID card, and so on, may be submitted by the applicant.

Characteristics and Advantages of e-Kharid

The principal characteristics and advantages of an e-Kharid website are enumerated as follows:

  • The Agricultural Marketing Board facilitates buying and advances farmer interests.
  • Simplifying processes throughout the integrated markets also encourages standardization in farm marketing.
  • Fewer intermediaries will be involved in buying crops, and there won’t be any need for commission payments to these middlemen.
  • It offers several agricultural marketing amenities, including 107 Principal Market Yards and 195 Purchase Centers.
  • It gains from accreditation for logistics quality leadership, storage, and logistics.
  • It allows the state’s farmers to operate by current conditions, enabling them to get payments on schedule and other advantages.
  • The portal offers all citizens of the state of Haryana a means of accessing online services and accurate information.
  • Soil testing laboratories are provided for the chosen mandi (market) to make it easier for farmers to attend to the mandi.
  • The government’s e-kharid program complements the National Agricultural Marketing to improve openness and efficiency in purchasing agricultural commodities. This electronic trading platform operates across India and is part of the current APMC “mandis.”

Difficulties and Considerations:

Computer Literacy

  • To utilize the portal efficiently, farmers and users must possess computer literacy.
  • Assistance and instruction for efforts could be required.


  • In rural regions where agriculture is the main economic activity, having enough internet access is essential.

Security and Privacy

  • Security precautions must be taken to safeguard user information and financial transactions.
  • To increase consumer trust, privacy issues must be addressed.


  • Considering the various demands of farmers, purchasers, and other stakeholders, the portal must be inclusive.

Features of the Bhavantar Bharpaii Scheme

  • This plan minimizes the possibility of failure, particularly for vegetable renters.
  • It guarantees farmers a stable income by paying them between INR 48,000 and 56,000 for each acre of land.
  • Farmers with land that is used for more than four crops under the program will get these revenue advantages.
  • Four vegetable crops—onion, cauliflower, tomato, and potato—are eligible for special preservation rates under the program.
  • Each crop of vegetables or fruits has a different selling time, and they are also sold on the website through the portal.
  • The e-portal Haryana also has a detailed planting, harvesting, and selling schedule.
  • When enrolling on the e-portal, the farmer must ensure he does it throughout the crop’s growing season.
  • Farmers who register within the designated timeframe will be the only ones who may claim the incentive price money.
  • The product may be sold only under the mandis overseen by the State Agricultural Marketing Board.
  • To get the incentive price under the system, the product vendor or farmer must sell what they grow on J Farm.
  • The scheme’s reward prices will only be available to sellers who sell their goods on the J farm.


The Haryana government has established the e-kharid platform, which is now operational. Farmers in the state can use this site to register the specifics of their crops. Recording crop information is required at the time of crop seeding. Any farmer in the state who wants to sell their crop can use this website to check their name in the farmer status database on the official website’s e-kharid Haryana website.

On the e-kharid website, farmers can verify their names by using their registration ID, mobile number, or J Form information. By using this platform, farmers in the state of Haryana may make substantial income from their crops. This post will walk you through the complete registration procedure on this portal.


1. What is the purpose of the Ekharid?

The e-kharid portal is made available by the Haryana government. Market-competitive prices for farm-fresh food are offered through the site.

2. In what way may I register on the Ekharid portal?

To sign up for the portal, visitors have to first go to the official portal. There is a time restriction on the registration period mentioned on the website.

3. When will the Bhavantar Bharpaii Yojana enrollment period open?

One must register on the e-kharid portal during the crop’s allotted period to benefit from the scheme.

4. Is there a single registration required on the e-kharid portal?

No, a farmer has to re-register to get the benefit money every time he files a new crop.

5. When will I get paid for my work?

Within 15 days following the J-Farm sale, the compensation amount will be credited to the beneficiary’s account.

37 posts

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Welcome to www.kanakkupillai.com! Greetings, I'm Gaurvi, a Regulatory Compliance Manager deeply committed to ensuring that businesses meet and exceed regulatory standards in their operations. With a wealth of experience in navigating complex regulatory environments across various industries, I am here to be your trusted advisor in achieving and maintaining regulatory compliance. In today's dynamic business landscape, regulatory compliance is not just a legal requirement but a critical component of sustainable success. My mission is to help your business thrive by ensuring it adheres to all relevant regulations and standards. Diversity and inclusivity in the business world are paramount, and I firmly believe that every business, regardless of its size or background, should have access to the expertise needed for seamless regulatory compliance. I am honored to embark on this regulatory journey with you through this blog, where I will provide valuable insights, best practices, and strategies tailored to your compliance needs. Thank you for entrusting me with the opportunity to contribute to your path to regulatory excellence. For more information and resources, please visit www.kanakkupillai.com.
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