Udyam Registration Number (URN) is a unique 19-digit number that the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in India are given after registration under the Udyam Registration portal. This number is extremely important for enterprises to receive benefits from the government, subsidies, and bank credit under the category of MSME.
Most business owners lose or forget their Udyam Registration Number, which hinders them from availing MSME benefits or modifying their registration information. Luckily, the Government of India offers an easy online procedure to recover the Udyam Registration Number through simple information such as mobile number or email ID.
This blog offers a step-by-step procedure on how to locate your Udyam Registration Number so that MSMEs can obtain their business credentials easily and efficiently.
Udyam Registration has substituted Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum (UAM) as the authorized MSME registration process in India. All registered MSMEs are issued a Udyam Registration Certificate, which includes the Udyam Registration Number (URN). The number is required when applying for government schemes, obtaining loans at reduced interest rates, bidding in tenders, and availing tax benefits.
In case you have forgotten or lost your Udyam Registration Number, don’t panic. Business persons can get back their URN immediately by entering the registered mobile number or email ID on the Udyam portal.
Ways to Find Udyam Registration Number
Get Udyam Registration Number from the Udyam Portal
The simplest method to obtain your Udyam Registration Number is by using the official Udyam Registration website. To get the URN, go to the Udyam Registration website (udyamregistration.gov.in) and select the “Forgot Udyam Registration Number?” option under the ‘Print/Verify’ tab. Provide your registered mobile number or email ID, which was used at the time of registration. Once you have chosen the OTP verification option, enter the OTP sent through SMS or email and then click ‘Validate & Generate’.
The system will show your Udyam Registration Number on the screen, and you will also get it through email or SMS. This is a fast, free, and secure process to enable MSME owners to recover their URN with ease.
Check Udyam Registration Certificate
In case you have downloaded or printed the Udyam Registration Certificate before, you may see your Udyam Registration Number at the top of it. The URN is an alphanumeric 19-digit number, which is the identification of your business under the MSME segment.
If the printed certificate cannot be found, you can reprint it from the Udyam portal by signing in using the registered mobile number or Aadhaar number. Having a copy of your certificate means that you will always have convenient access to your registration information when required.
Search for Udyam Registration Number in Your Email
While Udyam Registration, the system sends a confirmation mail to the registered email ID. The confirmation mail includes the Udyam Registration Certificate and the URN. If you’ve forgotten your registration details, you may check your email inbox for key words like “Udyam Registration Certificate,” “Udyam Registration Number,” or “MSME Registration Confirmation.”
In case you spot the email, you may jot down your URN or download the certificate again to have it in store for later. This is perhaps the easiest means of retrieving the registration number without accessing the online portal.
Contact Udyam Helpline for Support
If you fail to get your Udyam Registration Number with the above process, you may seek help from the Udyam Registration Helpdesk. There is a helpline available both through phone calls and emails. You may ring up the MSME support department at 011-23063288 or 011-23065399 or write to support-msme@gov.in.
Give your registered mobile number, Aadhaar number, or your business information to assist the support staff in retrieving your URN. The helpline is available between office hours and may assist you with the process of retrieval in case you experience any technical difficulties.
Visit Nearest MSME Office
If online retrieval is not possible, MSME owners can visit their nearest District Industries Centre (DIC) or MSME office for manual verification. Carrying essential documents such as your Aadhaar Card (used for Udyam Registration), GSTIN (if applicable), Business PAN Card, and previous registration details (if available) will help officials verify your credentials.
Your MSME office can help you retrieve your Udyam Registration Number and provide you with any additional updates or changes required in your business registration. This facility is especially useful for people who do not want to go online or have problems with online access.
Why is Udyam Registration Number Significant?
The Udyam Registration Number (URN) holds significance for MSMEs since it gives them access to a range of facilities, including-
- Government Subsidies and Fiscal Support: MSMEs registered under Udyam can take advantage of bank loans at subsidized rates, tax relief, and credit-linked capital subsidy schemes with the help of their URN.
- Smooth Loan Sanctions with Small Interest Rates: MSMEs with Udyam Registration get access to collateral-free loans through schemes like the Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises.
- Preference in Government Tenders and Contracts: Businesses with Udyam Registration get preferential benefits while requesting government tenders and public sector orders, leading to better business opportunities.
- Direct Tax Law Exemptions: Registered MSMEs are eligible for income tax rebates and exemptions pursuant to specified tax acts, lowering their tax liabilities.
- Accelerated Access to Market and Business Expansion: Udyam Registered MSMEs are more trustworthy, hence making it easier for them to work together with large firms, obtain partnerships, and extend the size of their markets.
It is crucial to find your Udyam Registration Number to obtain MSME benefits, financial assistance, and ensure business compliance. Regardless of whether you find it from the Udyam portal, your email, registration certificate, or MSME helpline, the experience is fast and convenient.
MSME entrepreneurs need to keep their Udyam Registration information safe from complications in the future. Regular upgradation and keeping business files in hand retains government schemes, income benefits, and tax savings within easy reach, resulting in successful business in the future.