
Guide to Obtaining a Marriage Certificate in Tamil Nadu

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Guide to Obtaining a Marriage Certificate in Tamil Nadu

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A marriage certificate is required for married people in Tamil Nadu and is used to legally prove a couple’s marriage. For married people to use numerous services and facilities nationwide, they must register their marriage and receive a marriage certificate.

If you need a passport, visa, or work permit and your spouse lives abroad, you can use a marriage certificate to demonstrate that you are legally married to them. It is also useful for getting life insurance benefits, family pensions, bank deposits, etc., if their spouse passes without a nomination.

The court may also require marriage licences for child custody, alimony, divorce, or legal separation.

Marriage Certificate: Registration Requirements

The marriage officer will issue a public notice after receiving a signed application for the marriage registration from both parties, giving the public 30 days to file an objection and have any complaints considered within that time. The marriage certificate, which both parties and three witnesses will sign, will be entered once the officiant is satisfied that all requirements have been met.

Marriage registration is legally required, not optional. Mailing in a marriage registration form takes a lot of time. Some state governments have developed online marriage registration to obtain an online marriage certificate to simplify things.

A marriage certificate is a legally binding document in India attesting to your union with your spouse. In 2006, the Supreme Court of India ordered that all marriages be registered.

As said earlier, the following are the steps to register a marriage in India:

And these days, all it takes is a few mouse clicks to get a marriage certificate online.

The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955

  • The Hindu Marriage Act of 1955 applies to anyone who is a Hindu and belongs to one of the following groups: Lingayat, Virashaiva, Arya Samaj, or Brahmo Samaj.
  • The Act also applies to everyone who does not identify as a Jew, Muslim, Christian, or Parsi.
  • Other religions are not mentioned above unless it is specifically stated that they are exempt from this Act.
  • Anyone who changes their religion to become a Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, or Sikh

The application must be completed and signed by the husband and wife and two witnesses under the Hindu Marriage Act. Upon verification of their documentation, they will be provided with a date for their appointment. The couple must go before the sub-district magistrate to sign the marriage registration with a gazetted officer present at their wedding. Their marriage certificate would be issued on the same day.

The 1954 Special Marriage Act

The 1954 Special Marriage Act applies to everyone in India and all Indians overseas, except for the state of Jammu and Kashmir, regardless of their religion or philosophical convictions.

It applies to those who are residents of the state of Jammu and Kashmir but are nationals of the areas specified by the Act.

After the 1954 Special Marriage Act application has been submitted, there is a 30-day window for objections. A copy of the announcement is sent to the addresses of both spouses and displayed on the office’s bulletin board. Registration is complete after 30 days. Both parties and three witnesses must be present on the registration day.

Marriage Witness Statement

A statement in the form outlined in the third schedule of this Act, which the marriage officer must countersign, must be signed by the parties and three additional witnesses before the marriage can be solemnised.

Any method the partners choose may be used to solemnise the marriage. However, until the parties mutually affirm it in front of a marriage officer, the agreement is not final and binding.

Documents Required for Registering a Marriage

  • Acceptable means of address verification include a voter identification card, ration card, passport, or driver’s licence.
  • Documentation showing the dates of birth of the couple.
  • Two passport-sized photos
  • The husband and wife must submit separate marriage affidavits in the appropriate format.
  • All documents must be self-attested, including the Aadhaar card and the marriage invitation card.

Marriage registration witnesses

A witness attended your wedding, has a current permanent account number (PAN) card, and can provide proof of residency.

Process for Registering a Marriage

The marriage officer will issue a public notice after receiving a signed application for the marriage registration from both parties, giving people 30 days to file an objection and have any complaints considered within that time.

The marriage certificate, which both parties and three witnesses will sign, will be entered once the officiant is satisfied that all requirements have been met.

Online registration for marriage certificates in Tamil Nadu

You must register using the online marriage registration portal to obtain a marriage certificate online. Please follow these guidelines to register online:

  • Sign up with the online marriage registration portal (Tamil Nadu)
  • Next, select your district.
  • Select ‘ Registration of Marriage Certificate ‘ after entering your husband’s information.
  • Complete the Marriage Certificate form and choose a time for the appointment.
  • Your application will be finished when you click ‘Submit Application’, at which point you’ll receive a temporary number that will be put on the acknowledgement sheet.
  • Print out the acknowledgement slip as well.

Documents needed to obtain a marriage certificate

  • Both the husband and the wife must sign the application form.
  • As proof of address, a voter ID, ration card, passport, or driver’s licence
  • Documentation showing the dates of birth of the couple.
  • Two passport-sized photos and one wedding photograph
  • Separate marriage affidavits from the spouse in the format required. All papers must be self-attested for Aadhaar cards.
  • The wedding invitation

The Benefits of a Marriage Certificate

  • You must have a marriage certificate if you want to apply for a passport or open a bank account after your wedding.
  • The husband and wife both assisted in obtaining visas.
  • The marriage certificate is necessary for the couple to travel abroad on a spouse visa because traditional marriages are not acknowledged by foreign embassies in India or abroad.
  • Does not require a nominee and enables a spouse to receive bank savings or life insurance pay-outs if the depositor or insurer passes away.

The Value of Registering a Marriage

  • Legal acceptance: The only trustworthy evidence of a couple’s legal union is the registration of their marriage, which ensures that their connection is recognised legally. Many benefits, including spousal benefits, joint tax filing, and getting a passport with the spouse’s name, require this recognition to be eligible.
  • Property rights: In the event of a divorce or separation, both parties will have a legal claim to any assets owned jointly, thanks to establishing formal property rights through marriage registration.
  • Parental rights: The marriage registration certificate is crucial when deciding on custody arrangements and establishing parental rights.
  • Inheritance: Marriage registration is essential for inheritance-related reasons to ensure the surviving spouse is entitled to the deceased spouse’s assets and property.
  • Lawful defence: Legal protection and retribution are provided by marriage registration certificates for both parties in cases of illegal partnerships.

Cost of Tamil Nadu Marriage Certificate

For the Hindu Marriage Act, it is Rs. 100, and for the Special Marriage Act, it is Rs. 150. Pay the required fees to the cashier at the district office, then file the receipt with your application.

Rules for Marriage Registration

  • The marriage registration must be completed within 90 days.
  • The municipal authorities must receive a marriage registration.
  • The couple must present residence and identity documentation to prove their eligibility for marriage registration.
  • Both partners must sign the marriage certificate form in the presence of a government official.
  • Witnesses should sign the marriage certificate to verify the marriage ceremony and the authenticity of the couple’s identification.
  • The marriage certificate paper contains all pertinent information about the parties, including the wedding ceremony venue.
  • Under the law, there could be varying fees related to marriage registration.
  • After online marriage registration, the couple will be given a marriage certificate confirming their legally recognised union.


A marriage registration certificate’s primary function is to provide unambiguous evidence that the marriage took place. Following the marriage registration, government officials will provide the marriage certificate. Essential details, including the spouse’s name, age, and residence, are included on an online marriage certificate and a few witnesses’ signatures.

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I'm a professional content creator passionate about writing. My articles span law, business, finance, investments, and government schemes, always simplifying complex topics. Exploring and embracing novelty are my off-duty joys.
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