How and Why NBFCs Are Developing Financial Products for SMEs

How and Why NBFCs Are Developing Financial Products for SMEs?

8 Mins read

NBFCs Are Developing Financial Products

NBFCs have rapidly become an indispensable source of credit for micro, small and midsized enterprises (MSMEs). They offer access to resources unavailable from banks, such as liquidity and expertise.

NBFCs increasingly turn to technologies like data analytics, AI, and robotic process automation (RPA) to streamline operations and meet customers’ increasing expectations of faster and superior service delivery. This allows them to meet customers’ growing expectations for faster and improved services.

NBFCs Developing B2B Financial Products for SMEs

NBFCs are making it easier for small businesses to secure funding. By using technological solutions to assess customers’ creditworthiness quickly and accurately, these firms are making more loans more quickly to more people while saving both the NBFC and customer time and money in terms of time and cost savings.

In India, non-profit financial companies (NBFCs) provide services beyond lending, including wealth management and investment advisory. As one of India’s fastest-growing sectors, its contribution to its economy continues to increase annually. RBI has taken several measures to enhance oversight over NBFCs, including stricter capital adequacy norms, risk-management guidelines and governance reforms to promote healthy growth within this industry while strengthening overall systemic stability.

The Non-Bank Financial Company (NBFC) sector plays an essential role in India’s economy by financing micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). MSMEs play an essential role in rural areas by driving economic development while creating employment opportunities. Furthermore, NBFCs offer flexible loan repayment terms at reduced interest rates to encourage entrepreneurs. Furthermore, these financial services firms invest in cutting-edge technologies that enhance retail customers’ business processes and borrowing experiences.

The difference between banks and NBFCs lies in their regulation by government bodies versus being privately owned and accepting deposits on demand and foreign investments up to 100% of total funds invested.

NBFCs are refining their offerings by incorporating artificial intelligence and data analytics into their systems, offering more personalized service while streamlining turnaround times and credit underwriting processes. With these innovations at their disposal, NBFCs are creating powerful goods tailored to suit clients’ specific needs while personalizing small business loan eligibility to suit each one.

As the NBFC industry evolves, consumers have become savvier and demand more tailor-made financial experiences from NBFCs. More innovative products are being designed to meet these growing consumer expectations as digital platforms are invested in and deployed by these institutions – an effective strategy to compete against other financial institutions while offering clients seamless user experiences. If NBFCs can meet these consumer demands, they will become even more popular and profitable.

NBFCs Investing in New Technologies

As the financial industry evolves, non-bank financial companies (NBFCs) invest in emerging technologies to meet customer demands. This technology includes mobile platforms, chatbots and AI/ML to streamline processes and enhance customer experiences, enabling more efficient services while lowering costs and improving operational efficiencies.

Modernizing their operations through technological means has also enabled NBFCs to attract more investors, who now enjoy access to a more excellent selection of products as well as faster loan application approval processes compared with banks, which has allowed NBFCs to compete more successfully against them and attract a broader clientele base.

One of the greatest strengths of NBFCs is their use of big data to understand patterns, helping them make smarter lending decisions and offer more competitive business loans. Furthermore, these institutions can utilize technology to automate specific processes to reduce human error while improving risk management and security measures.

The government is actively encouraging technology adoption within the NBFC sector. They have implemented initiatives like regulatory sandboxes for innovation, digital payments infrastructure, account aggregators, e-KYC processes and cybersecurity frameworks, making operations more streamlined and considerably reducing bad debts. These measures have increased profitability while decreasing bad debts considerably.

While NBFCs have become an invaluable source of credit for small and midsize enterprises (SMEs), they still present specific challenges. Notably, they may not be subject to as stringent regulation as banks do, increasing the risk of default and possibly not adhering to minimum capital requirements.

NBFCs have adopted innovative and effective strategies like digitization and partnership ecosystems to address these challenges. Implement chatbots and robo-advisors that interact with prospects and customers to assist with onboarding, customer servicing, employee-related services and employee benefits. Some chatbots even boast vernacular capabilities, enabling them to communicate directly with Indian customers in their native tongue. This feature makes these bots especially helpful for rural and semi-urban customers who need help interacting with traditional banking services. Furthermore, NBFCs have begun working with FinTech firms on software solutions, increasing their capabilities to meet today’s customer expectations.

NBFCs Investing in Artificial Intelligence

NBFCs are integral to India’s financial system, providing credit to individuals and businesses unable to qualify for bank loans due to strict lending standards. To remain competitive in an increasingly complex marketplace, NBFCs have begun adopting AI technologies as part of their operations to streamline them and enhance customer experiences – automating processes, predictive analytics, and advanced risk assessment are among many of their AI-powered innovations that allow NBFCs to meet customers’ needs better today.

So, NBFCs have rapidly expanded across India. At the same time, they’re using technology to streamline processes and reduce documentation requirements; one NBFC recently introduced a voice-powered chatbot that assists consumers throughout their loan application process – this innovative solution allows customers to apply for personal loans simply by speaking directly with it and answering some basic questions.

Advanced analytics and AI can assist NBFCs in improving payment collections and tracking delinquent accounts, prioritizing non-performing accounts by looking at larger data sets, and using machine learning techniques to recognize customer patterns for targeted collection strategies.

NBFCs can utilize predictive analytics to calculate the likelihood of default by analyzing various factors, including past behaviour, current assets and future spending habits. With this information, they can make sound credit decisions that reduce the probability of default and sound financial decisions for their NBFC customers.

NBFCs can use advanced data analytics to detect fraud and suspicious activities that threaten their assets and reputation, using various sources like social media or credit bureaus as data points. They can also leverage AI technology to provide their customers with more tailored products and services.

AI-powered technologies are revolutionizing the NBFC sector, automating manual processes and improving customer experiences through predictive analytics, personalized customer service and advanced risk assessments. Utilizing these technologies allows NBFCs to serve their customers better while increasing profits.

NBFCs Investing in Analytics

As competition within the financial industry heats up, non-bank financial companies (NBFCs) are adopting innovative ways of reaching customers. Utilizing technology and big data analytics for more personalized financial services allows NBFCs to attract a broader range of clients while increasing profits and improving customer experiences.

NBFCs are overseen by the Reserve Bank of India, who ensure their operations are transparent and responsible. Furthermore, NBFCs can offer more flexible loans and savings products than banks do, which makes them an appealing option for consumers who seek more opportunities when it comes to financial services. NBFCs may also be more profitable than banks, allowing them to provide cheaper customer loans.

Some non-bank financial companies (NBFCs) specialize in specific industries and provide loans to people who might not qualify for traditional bank loans. These businesses are essential in supporting small businesses and individuals and encouraging financial inclusion and entrepreneurship.

While NBFCs offer certain advantages, they are less heavily regulated than banks and may present more significant risks to the financial system. Their performance may also be more subject to global economic trends; nonetheless, many have attracted private equity funding and made rapid strides in the market.

NBFCs can use data analytics to select the ideal loan products for their customers, which allows them to maximize revenue and reduce costs. They can evaluate petabytes of customer data, such as transaction histories and buying patterns, to tailor marketing campaigns more precisely while offering higher-quality loans.

Future of Non-Banking Financial Companies

Non-Bank Financial Companies play a crucial role in India, offering various banking services and helping those new to credit get on track with credit management.

NBFCs foster regional development by lending to local businesses and individuals, creating employment and stimulating economic growth. Furthermore, these financial firms must adhere to specific guidelines and regulations to maintain financial stability while protecting consumer interests.

1. Growth Opportunities

NBFCs play an invaluable role in the financial ecosystem. By financing small and medium-sized businesses, NBFCs promote industrialization, creating more jobs and increasing national income. Furthermore, these NBFCs provide long-term loans to individuals to help them achieve their financial goals and increase buying power.

There is an incredible growth opportunity for non-bank financial companies (NBFCs), which can more easily target digital consumers with services offered at lower costs and greater flexibility than banks.

Personal/consumer loans and microfinance have experienced strong retail exposure growth in FY2023. Improved macroeconomic conditions, consumption themes and stable funding conditions all positively expanded NBFC credit profiles. Furthermore, considering public sector bank stress levels currently presents an opportunity for NBFCs compared with them in terms of product offerings, lower costs, broader reach capabilities for loan repayment, more efficient risk management capabilities to check harmful debt levels more effectively, customer segment understanding more efficiently, etc.

2. Funding Challenges and Alternate Sources

One of the significant obstacles facing NBFCs is accessing funding. Most rely on wholesale financing or borrow from various channels such as commercial paper, corporate bonds or bank loans for their money – yet as the economy slows and banks restrict credit lines further, these sources of funds have dried up significantly.

NBFCs differ from banks in that they cannot raise funds through CASA (current account savings account) deposits; instead, they must find alternative funding sources – which may be difficult in an environment with such low-interest rates on capital markets.

Despite their challenges, NBFCs remain poised for growth, offering diverse credit disbursement avenues to those denied credit by formal banks and rural, unorganized and under-banked populations. Furthermore, NBFCs boast competitive interest rates, flexible repayment schemes, minimal paperwork requirements and minimal overhead costs. They must, however, strengthen their online footprint to reach out to newer segments of society more easily while moving away from catering solely to corporate clients and towards offering tailor-made kits explicitly tailored to individual segments of society.

3. Regulatory Environment

NBFCs have become essential to India’s financial landscape since their rapid rise and interconnectedness complemented banks in driving economic development and expanding financial service access. Yet their rapid expansion could threaten the wider financial system – as evidenced by the IL&FS collapse last year.

Regulators grant less stringent regulations to non-bank financial companies (NBFCs) due to their smaller scale than banks. However, recent exponential growth within this sector may pose risks that must fit better with this regulatory arbitrage.

The new NBFC framework seeks to address this problem by classifying NBFCs according to their scale of operation and risk profile. Nonsystemically important NBFCs will make up the bottom layer, with minimal regulation. Existing high-risk NBFCs with existing capital charges would move to the middle layer with additional supervisory engagement from Reserve Bank of India supervisors; any time there is evidence of significant systemic risk spillover from any particular NBFC located above them they could be moved down in category and be assigned additional supervisory engagement and supervisory engagement by Reserve Bank of India supervisory engagement; otherwise remain empty; should the Reserve Bank detect significant systemic risk spillover from certain NBFCs in an upper layer they would move down accordingly.

4. Strategy

NBFCs play an indispensable role in India’s economy by providing access to credit for industries not served by traditional banks. However, their growing prominence highlights risks inherent in non-bank lending activity. It raises concerns over their role within India’s financial system – something made clear during IL&FS’ default in debt repayment, leading to liquidity problems and market losses for banks and mutual funds holding its bonds.

To remain sustainable, NBFCs must focus on operational efficiencies. One approach they can use to do this is leveraging technology-based delivery models for customer onboarding and loan processing – this will reduce costs while freeing up resources for more complex functions like data collection and analysis, expanding reach into new markets and segments and prioritizing borrowers based on credit score while using advanced analytics for collections decisions – something which may prevent falling into debt default trap.


NBFCs can expand their customer base using AI-powered chatbots to engage potential customers and offer instant loan processes. A chatbot can answer questions about eligibility criteria and approve applications without manual intervention, saving time and money while decreasing error rates.

NBFCs increasingly turn to technologies like Big Data, AI and machine learning to meet the evolving consumer base’s needs. Furthermore, using these tools, they can streamline operations and reduce operating costs for improved business performance and lower customer loan fees and interest rates.

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