How Many Types of Trade Licenses are there in India?
Licenses & Government Registrations

How Many Types of Trade Licenses are there in India?

6 Mins read

A trade license is one of the basic legal requisites which is mandatory for those individuals and entities who want to carry out any business or commercial or industrial venture in India. The primary purpose of the license is to determine local authorities’ ability to control and supervise the mentioned operations as well as guarantee compliance with safety standards, municipal legislation, and other laws. Small businesses such as retail stores and tuck shops to big companies such as factories are not exempt from this condition. This blog looks into the different types of trade licenses in India, how to acquire them, and why they are paramount to lawfulness in business operations.

What is a Trade License?

A trade license is thus a written permit granted by municipal or other appropriate authorities permitting an individual or an organization to engage in a specified business within a particular locality. It helps the business avoid violating any municipal or zoning laws and work safely without having to worry about offsets that might hinder its operations. The initial aim of a trade license is to protect the interests of the public while doing business in order not to pollute the environment or harm the health of the people.

Trade licenses are commonly needed for almost any kind of business including retailers, eating places, companies undertaking building construction and construction, service industries such as couriers, tourist operators, and schools. The details of the type of business that needs the trade license, and the type of trade license required may differ not just in each state of India but even in most of the local municipalities.

Different Kinds of Trade Licenses in India

Trade licenses in India can be divided mainly on the basis of the kind of business and its activity. Although different states and local authorities may have slightly different classifications, the main types of trade licenses include:

1. The shop and establishment license

It is one of the most widely seen trade licenses in the country of India by any stretch of the imagination. They are mandatory for organizations with a fixed premise like stores, showrooms, hotels and offices, etc. Under the Shops and Establishment Act any commercial establishment or shop is bound to be registered with the local municipal bodies and has to get legal working permit to start its operation.

The license guarantees compliance with working hours, holidays, wages, and health and safety standards of workers in business enterprises. The license that this letter is all about is known as the Shop and Establishment License, which is issued by the respective state government and the general consent to the municipal corporation where the business is located.

2. Factory License

While applying for a Factory License, it is crucial to remember that the business that involves manufacturing, operation, or carrying on any factory compulsorily requires a Factory License. This license is legalized under the Factories Act 1948, which contains provisions regarding the safety, health, and welfare of the worker in or in a factory. Every industry or factory where ten or more persons are employed, with or without power, and where the manufacturing process takes place on the premises requires a factory license.

This license guarantees the business compliancy with various safety measures including ventilation and fire precautions, regular inspection among others. Also, it safeguards the workers because it addresses issues to do with working hours, the welfare facilities and the harmful workplace.

3. Food Business license (FSSAI License)

Any business engaged in the business of food production, preparation, processing, packaging, serving, and distribution in India requires FSSAI license and registration as stated: The FSSAI is responsible for the necessities associated with food safety and quality of food products in India and all companies that belong to the food industry of the country must meet the requirements set by the FSSAI.

The FSSAI license is issued in three categories, depending on the scale and nature of the business:

  • Basic Registration: I will provide for the small food business people and the small-scale food operators.
  • State License: Specifically developed for medium-sized food businesses to be easily put into application.
  • Central License: This is for large-size or multiple-location food businesses.

The FSSAI license may protect food businesses from the shortcomings of practising low hygiene, safety, and quality control measures that may lead to food illnesses and other illnesses.

4. Liquor License

The establishment dealing in the selling or distribution of alcohol requires a liquor license. Such establishments may include the business such as barbers, souvenir shops, beer parlors, breweries, wine sellers, and hotels among others. In India, the method of getting a liquor license is very much controlled by the state governments and the license is issued as per its laws.

Liquor licenses are normally classified into types it is the retail license, the wholesale, hotel and the bar license. The first is background checks on the owners and renters including inspection of business premises, and adherence to regulations that inhibits entry of underage persons, business opening hours, and premises zoning.

5. Health Trade License

Health trade licenses include those for entities offering health services like stores dealing in health products, hospitals, clinics, diagnostic centres, and pharmacies. These licenses help to ensure that business organizations meet particular standards of cleanliness, quality, and sanitation. This category also covers the establishments involved in the sale of other products such as cosmetics, medical equipment and any other products which have anything to do with health.

6. Professional Trade License

Self-employed persons practising in specialities that require a license, including lawyers, accountants, consultants, and architects, require professional services licenses to carry out their business. This license provides a guarantee that the persons providing professional services meet legal requirements in their industry.

The professional trade license may be granted by the local government or the regulatory board that has the mandate to set practising standards within a certain profession.

 7. Tourism and Travel License

Organizations that fall under the tourism and travel industry require a tourism or travel license especially for travel agency, tour operating and transport agencies.

Beside the national tourism license, there are may require permits or certificates for particular activity to operate in a country such as hotel or tour operating for protected areas.

Trade Licenses as an Essential Document in India

Trade licenses have a critical role in the performance of the business and in safeguarding the interest of customers and employees:

  • Regulatory Compliance: Trade license implies that business entities perform to the best of the laws applied locally, states, and nationally that concerns them or their type of businesses. It saves business organizations from penalties and fines that they may be facing because they did not know the law, rules, or standards guiding different practices.
  • Safety and Health Standards: Trade licenses assist companies maintain legal requirements of health, safety and the environment. For instance an industrial license that regulates engagements of manufacturing companies in safety of employees from accidents, an FSSAI license that regulates the safe preparation and processing of food.
  • Public Health Protection: Some industries are more sensitive than others; their areas of operation include food production and serving, medical facilities, and hospitality businesses. The government issues trade licenses to make sure that such businesses adhere to a number of health requirements and do not affect the health of people in the society.
  • Identifying the Techniques in Building Trust and Credibility: A business which has the required licenses is most welcome and has credibility and can easily be trusted. They mean that the business is legal and approved by the local government hence making customers have confidence in the business.
  • Access to Government Benefits: Licensing is very important for many businesses since many government programs and incentives offering subsidies or tax credits or funds are contingent on possessing a business license. Such incentives are often given when the trader has procured a trade license.

How to Register a Trade License in India?

In some cases a legitimate trade license that may be required for a business can be as easy as a one step process while in other cases the process may be more complicated.

  1. Prepare Necessary Documents: Some of the commonly submitted documents are the identification documents, address proof, business incorporation documents, lease agreement and if found necessary average No Objection Certificates nearly as fire NOC/health NOC etc. (if applicable).
  2. Submit Application: You can fill the application form online where the local municipal corporation permits, or the applicant has to submit the form personally at the said authorities. Certain states may demand that the business facilities produce a copy of a business permit before being granted one.
  3. Pay the Fees: Versus the nature and size of the business a fee is charged for the application and the license.
  4. Receive the License: Upon the approval of the application, the local authority of the area where the business will be conducted will award the trade license.


Trade licenses are important features to propose legal, ethical and responsible trade practices in India. Due to various types of licenses according to the sectors and industries, the business owners need to know about those specific licenses. Doing business no matter if you are operating a small shop or big manufacturing plant or even professional services can only function smoothly if you have the correct trade license.

Even though this process may seem tiresome it is important to have trade licenses in order to conserve health, safety and integrity of both the public and the businesses. Through the acquisition of licenses it is possible for the business to gain the trust of the clients and government, as well as eliminate chances of facing the law and in the process creating employment and contributing to the economic and social development of the country.

182 posts

About author
A Lawyer by profession and a writer by passion, my expertise extends to creating insightful content on topics such as company, GST, accounts payable, and invoice. Expertise in litigation, legal writing, legal research.
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