How to Calculate Revenue for a Startup?
Startup India

How to Calculate Revenue for a Startup?

13 Mins read

Calculating a startup’s income entails figuring out a few crucial numbers. The startup cost is one such figure.

All of the fees associated with starting a firm are considered startup costs. This price may be varied for various types of businesses.

For instance, the cost of land, materials, machinery, equipment, office supplies, building a warehouse, marketing materials, and all other ancillary charges until your startup is up and running will make up most of your startup costs if you’re starting an e-commerce firm.

Even if these expenses are incurred before your business officially launches, they are still a crucial factor when estimating your startup’s revenue and profit margin. When establishing prices, these expenses should be precisely estimated and allocated to the worth of your good or service.

Estimating your initial costs is a fundamental first step in writing your business plan. If you have an idea of the capital required to set up your firm, it will be easier for you to find funding or additional funds for your business from possible investors and customers.

How do you calculate post-startup costs?

Another significant factor in determining a startup’s revenue is the post-startup cost.

The second level of costs that must be determined to calculate “total income earned” is post-starting costs.

As the name implies, it is the total expense incurred by the business from the time it is established until it begins to turn a profit.

These expenses might include purchasing raw materials, power, employee salaries, delivery fees, rent, and other supporting costs when opening a bakery. These expenses, like the initial costs, must be properly allocated to the final price of the good or service you intend to sell.

You must ensure that the final cost of your good or service is determined after carefully considering both of the above factors. Pricing set without accounting for overheads will not accurately reflect the amount of money earned and may push your firm into the red.

How to calculate the profit margin?

The profit margin is the key factor in every business’s revenue calculation for a startup.

The first step in pricing your product is determining your starting (and post-launch) costs.

As was already said, the price of your product should cover a portion of these expenses and an additional profit margin.

Before deciding on a profit margin, conducting market, service industry, leadership in the field, and competition research is a good idea. By doing this, you’ll create a benchmark profit margin or business-standard.

A startup’s success and destiny are largely determined by its profit margin. A low profit margin may hamper your growth. Still, if your profit margin is excessively large, customers may prefer less expensive and more dependable competitors, which could also impact your sales and income.

How do you calculate annual revenue?

Your revenue is the most thrilling and exciting aspect of your company.

The annual income and turnover are the most important factors in determining whether your startup was a success or a failure.

While skilled and experienced accountants employ a series of intricate calculations to determine this amount, a novice businessperson like yourself can apply this straightforward approach.

[Total annual revenue = Total units sold ´Price of each product]

Your annual income would be equal to the total cost of all the products you sold in a given year if you have various product categories or offer various goods or services. You must understand that total revenue does not equal total profit.

You can use the following formula to determine the profit made over a year:

[Gross profit = Annual revenue – Overhead costs]

This definition of overhead includes all startup, post-startup, and additional costs associated with providing your product or service to your final customer.

You will subtract local taxes and other expenses to arrive at a final figure from this gross profit.

The three conclusions that can be drawn from this statistic are profit, loss, or breakeven.

You will have achieved breakeven in that particular year if your expenses are equivalent to your generated revenue. For the startup, this is the point of no profit or loss.

How do you calculate revenue growth?

Monitoring revenue growth after determining a startup’s annual revenue and gross profit is crucial.

This is the final step to achieving overall income generation and startup growth. This revenue increase is determined as a percentage by comparing the annual revenues of succeeding periods.

A simple method to reach this figure is:

[Revenue growth = (Revenue of Y2 (–) Revenue of Y1)/(Revenue of Y1)] 

Using this technique, you may determine a percentage that represents the annual growth rate of your startup.

According to business professionals, any startup’s revenue should be calculated after some initial data has been determined. One such important indicator is the startup cost. Startup expenses include all expenses incurred during business establishment. For various businesses, the launch cost will change according to their size, services, goods, and other elements. These expenses play a critical role in determining revenue and profit margin. While experts define the product value, such costs need to be precisely determined and allocated to the product value.

A key component of creating a business plan is estimating initial costs. This concept of startup capital requirements will aid in locating financing and capital from reputable businesspeople and possible investors. The initial costs for any business include the price of the land, the machinery, the equipment, the office supplies, and many other things.

Another critical metric for estimating the revenue associated with a startup is the post-startup cost. Any entrepreneur must consider post-starting costs as the second level of expenses when estimating the total revenue from the startup. The startup’s post-startup costs are those incurred after it is established but before it starts to make money.

Entrepreneurs must only guarantee the product price after considering all the required considerations. If the price is set without considering all the relevant aspects, it could lead to significant losses and fail to provide an accurate picture of revenue creation. Before determining the product’s price in any startup, the costs of electricity, labour, delivery charges, and other factors must be considered.

The primary metric used in any enterprise’s revenue computation is profit margin. The product price must be set once the beginning and ongoing costs have been calculated, considering these elements and an additional profit margin. Setting a profit margin, however, could have a negative outcome.

Before deciding on a product’s price, business professionals must consider the market’s pricing, the leading companies in the sector, and their rivals. The profit margin determines the profit and prospects of any startup.

The best profit margin should always be used. If it’s too high, shoppers will seek cheaper options, which would lower sales. The business’s growth ability will be hampered if the profit margin is too low.

The startup’s success depends on its annual income. The metric will ultimately determine if the startup has succeeded or is still in its early stages of failure. Entrepreneurs use a basic calculation to determine annual revenue, but business gurus and skilled professionals use complex formulae.

Annual revenue (Total) = Total number of units sold ´Cost of each product

If there are several separate products or service categories, the total annual revenue will equal the total cost of all items from each category sold during that year.

  1. Total annual revenue is not total profit.
  2. Use the formula given below to calculate annual profit.
  3. Gross profit = Total annual revenue – Overhead expenses
  4. The launch, post-startup, and all other expenditures associated with the good or service are included in the overhead expenses.
  5. To determine the true profit, taxes and other costs reduce the profit.
  6. The amount can fall under three categories—loss, profit, or breakdown.
  7. The business owner has achieved break-even if expenses are equivalent to annual revenue. It translates to no gain or loss.

How do we calculate the revenue growth?

After determining the annual revenue gross profit, the business owner must evaluate revenue growth. The final stage determines overall income and business growth. A percentage is calculated by comparing the revenue growth to the yearly growth of prior periods.

Revenue growth = (Revenue of Y2 (–) Revenue of Y1)/(Revenue of Y1)

The formula above can calculate a percentage to ascertain the startup’s annual growth rate. To determine the percentage and growth rate more accurately for professional and accurate computations, it is preferable to engage a professional accountant knowledgeable about how to apply complicated formulae.

Calculate revenue from the balance sheet.

A typical step in the closing process is the compilation of financial reports that show senior management and investors the company’s current financial situation. The financial statements of a corporation show its cash on hand, expenses, assets, and obligations. It’s critical to know how to calculate the figures in your financial statements, such as your sales and cash quantities.

Revenue and the income statement

Pull a general ledger report to learn the balance and specifics of the activity in the sales account for the reporting period. Calculate the total revenue received for the sales made during the reporting period using the transactions that were recorded in the ledger for that period. Put the amount in the gross sales line of your income statement.

Obtain a report on the general ledger’s sales discounts, refunds, and allowances ledger accounts transactions. On the following line of the revenue statement, enter the total of the transactions for the period in these accounts. The line must have “Sales Returns and Allowances” as the heading.

The whole of the line for returns and allowances is subtracted from the line for gross income. The result should appear on the line after it, which is labelled “Net Revenue.”

Cash and the balance sheet

Obtain a general ledger balance report for the cash account that shows the balance as of the balance sheet report date. Put that amount in the balance sheet report’s “Cash” line.

Make a general ledger report for your petty cash account that computes the current balance as of the due date for the balance sheet report. Enter the balance in the “Petty Cash” line of the balance sheet report.

On your balance sheet report, you can, if you like, add a subtotal that shows the sum of your cash and petty cash lines.

Forecast revenue for a startup

A revenue forecast for a startup is possible based on the following steps:

Step 1—Total addressable market—of potential customers

The first step in predicting revenue for a business is to estimate the total addressable market. This represents the whole global market for your product or service. Here are several examples:

  • If you started a coffee business, the total addressable market would probably be the number of people who drink coffee worldwide.
  • If you were to start a software company that provides business services, the total addressable market would be the number of businesses worldwide.
  • If you were starting a hair salon, the total addressable market would be the number of people who have hair worldwide.

Step 2—Forecasting growth rate % of the total addressable market

You might be able to determine that your total addressable market is growing at a specific pace each year once you’ve established your starting point. As a result, there are probably 3% more coffee drinkers per year.

Step 3—What % of the addressable market can you serve?

The startup income projection’s initial phase has now been questioned. If I open a salon in T. Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, I won’t be able to truly service everyone worldwide. The people in that region make up your “serviceable market”—those within a 30-mile radius that you can serve.

If you are developing software for businesses to help them manage their personnel, your serviceable market will likely not be all businesses but all businesses with employees.

Step 4—What % of the serviceable market will you target?

The next step is to further focus your marketing attention. The employees of the offices within one mile of your coffee shop can serve as your target market if your serviceable market is within a 30-mile radius. You must select your target market because other businesses could wish to take some of the serviceable market.

Your target market for a salon can be women in a 5-mile radius between the ages of 25 and 45 to increase your chances of making money.

Step 5—What % of the target market can you convert to leads?

Now that you have narrowed your market to a certain target market, the next step in revenue prediction is to ascertain how many potential customers in your target market you can convert into leads.

A visitor to a website might be regarded as a lead for a business that has one. If you own a retail business, such as a salon or coffee shop, a lead may originate from a consumer who enters your location. As a result, you must determine how many people in the target market you can turn into leads.

Step 6—Can you improve your conversion rate?

By adopting any of these percentage rates in this model, you might increase the number of leads who convert to clients, increase your conversion rates, etc. So, when creating a particular financial model, I include many lines that say “Growth rate of conversion rate.” This suggests you can change your conversion rates within the model over time.

Step 7—What % of leads will you convert into customers?

Now, this amount differs greatly from business to business. For example, a coffee shop might convert 99% of leads who come in the door into paying customers since leads are more likely to enter to make a purchase, whereas, for a web-based business, a respectable conversion rate from website visitor to the customer might be between 3% and 5%. Depending on your industry, you might need to do some research to get an idea of the conversion rates from leads to customers you can expect.

Step 8—Churn Rate—What % of customers will you lose each month?

The proportion of new customers who won’t return is a crucial variable in revenue forecasting. In a coffee shop, it is feasible that a customer stopped by for a coffee while walking through the neighbourhood or that they didn’t enjoy your coffee. In a hair salon, it is intended that customers are happy and come frequently for haircuts. Calculate the proportion of customers who are unlikely to return.

Step 9—What is the average $ amount of a customer purchase?

The following calculation you need to make is the typical purchase made by a consumer. Several of our financial forecast templates let you figure out the average client ticket automatically, just like our coffee shop spreadsheet does. For instance, if someone buys a coffee for $1 and a muffin for $2.50, the final price should be $3.50.

Step 10—What is the growth rate % of the average purchase $ amount?

Once more, things may get worse. What if a salon started providing services like hair colouring, perms, or other things that would raise the average amount a customer spends?

Step 11—On average, how many purchases per customer per month

Last but not least, we need to know how many purchases each customer makes on average each month to anticipate startup income. Each customer at a coffee shop with many “regulars” might make 10 purchases on average each month. On the other hand, if you owned a salon and your typical client received a haircut every four months, your average monthly sale would be 25.

Step 12—Total purchases ´ Total average $ per purchase = Total revenue generated

Finally, it’s time to put everything together. Simply multiply the total of all of your consumer transactions by the typical purchase value to determine your overall anticipated revenue.

Calculate potential revenue

  1. Monthly recurring revenue = Average monthly subscription or buy per customer ´Total number of customers
  2. Committed monthly recurring revenue = Monthly recurring revenue + Signed contracts –Expected turnover
  3. Average revenue per customer = Total revenue/customer count

Calculate annual revenue

The amount generated by sales for your company each year, minus expenditures and expenses, is called annual revenue. Your gross annual revenue is calculated by multiplying the quantity of each product you sell by its sale price and adding the yearly sales of all of those products.

Calculate startup valuation

The worth of a startup can be determined by employing a variety of methods, such as the (1) Berkus approach, (2) Cost-to-duplicate approach, (3) Future valuation method, (4) Market multiple approaches, (5) Risk factor summation method, and (6) Discounted cash flow method.

Financial analysts can use a range of methods for valuing startups. Below, we’ll discuss a few popular methods for valuing businesses. Startups, in the broadest sense, are brand-new company projects that an entrepreneur starts. They often focus on developing novel ideas or technologies and introducing them to the market as novel products or services.

Berkus approach

The Berkus approach, created by American venture capitalist and angel investor Dave Berkus, focuses on assessing a startup company based on a careful examination of five critical success factors: (1) Core value, (2) Technology, (3) Execution, (4) Strategic partnerships in its core market; and (5) Production and revenue.

An in-depth analysis is done on the quantitative contribution of the five important success factors to the enterprise’s overall value. These sums are used to determine the startup’s value. The Berkus approach is also known as the stage development method or the development stage valuation approach.

Cost-to-duplicate approach

The cost-to-duplicate approach includes considering all costs and expenses associated with the company and its product development, including purchasing its physical assets. All such costs are considered in determining the startup’s fair market value based on all expenses. The following are the drawbacks of the cost-to-duplicate strategy:

  • The company’s potential for the future is not considered when generating estimates regarding its future sales and growth.
  • Without considering both its tangible and intangible assets, the argument is that the company’s intangibles, such as brand value, goodwill, intellectual property rights (if any), and so on, may have a lot to offer for its valuation, even at an early stage.

Future valuation multiple approach

The main goal of the future valuation multiple approach is to estimate the projected return on investment for investors over the next five to ten years. Various predictions are used to determine the company’s value for the reasons mentioned earlier. These estimates include sales projections over five years, growth projections, cost and spending projections, etc.

Market multiple approach

The market multiple approach is one of the most frequently employed methods for evaluating startups. Like other multiples, the market multiple strategy also works. A base multiple is set based on the value of comparable recent market purchases, and the company at issue is compared to those. The startup’s worth is then calculated using the basic market multiple.

Risk factor summation approach

Using a quantitative approach, the risk factor summation approach evaluates a company by taking into consideration all business risks that could affect its return on investment. Utilizing any of the other strategies discussed in this article, the risk factor summation method entails determining the startup’s initial value. This baseline value is compared to the effects of different business risks, both positive and negative, and an estimate is added to or deducted from it depending on the impact of the risk.

After considering all potential hazards, the startup’s overall value is determined by adding the “risk factor summation” to the startup’s initial estimated value. Among the business risks taken into account are management risk, political risk, manufacturing risk, market competitiveness risk, investment and capital accumulation risk, technological risk, and legal risk.

Discounted cash flow approach

The discounted cash flow method’s primary objective is to forecast the startup’s future cash flow movements. Then, using an expected rate of return on investment known as the “discount rate,” the value of the anticipated cash flow is computed. Since startups are still in their early stages and investing in them entails a high amount of risk, a substantial discount rate is often applied.

Using the suggestions and methods offered in this blog, you can rapidly decide whether your new company has the potential to turn a profit. However, for a more professional and accurate data analysis, it is best to enlist the assistance of a skilled accountant. We are sure that visitors who are interested in this topic will find our blog helpful.

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Kanakkupillai is your reliable partner for every step of your business journey in India. We offer reasonable and expert assistance to ensure legal compliance, covering business registration, tax compliance, accounting and bookkeeping, and intellectual property protection. Let us help you navigate the complex legal and regulatory requirements so you can focus on growing your business. Contact us today to learn more.
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