FSSAI (Food Safety and Standard Authority of India) is an autonomous body which provides food license to the Food business in India. All the food safety-related acts came under one Food Safety and Standards Authority of India.
FSSAI has an authority related to food like manufacturing, processing, packing, transportation, and distribution, in case anyone fails to do so implications will follow and also heavy penalties would be imposed on unit. 90 percent of food products have met FSSAI registration. FSSAI login, however, lays down certain procedures in order to establish laboratories all over India for the examining of nutritional levels in the food particles. It has become mandatory to get a food license by every Food Business Operator and for everyone who is in the chain of delivering food. As soon as the FBO gets registered under FSSAI you will be provided with a 14 digit number on food license
Types of Registration under FSSAI
Under FSSAI there are three types of registrations available and this would include the following:
FSSAI Basic Registration
This registration can be obtained by the entities or the Food Business Owner or FBO which is having a turnover below INR 12 Lakhs and also the production capacity per day is only up to 100 litres or KG.
FSSAI State License
This registration can be taken by the entities or FBOs which are medium-sized and are earning a turnover over INR 12 Lakhs but is below INR 20 Crore. This particular license will be obtained by the entity from the state government.
FSSAI Central License
In the case of an entity that is earning a turnover over and above INR 20 Crore should obtain the FSSAI Central License. Unlike the FSSAI State License, this will be obtained from the Central Government.
Process for Issuing the FSSAI License
On the receipt of an application by the Authority of FSSAI, they shall confirm the jurisdiction of the FSSAI to which the applicant who has submitted the application for the license is necessarily belonging. Along with this they also would need the office fee receipt for any prescribed fees payment to be made by the applicant.
Once this has been done, they would start the verification of the documents submitted by the applicant and also scrutinize the same. Then an inspection of the business premises shall also be conducted by the authority before the issuing of the license under FSSAI if the same is found necessary by them. And on the satisfaction of the above verification and scrutiny by the FSSAI authority, the license shall be issued and send a copy of the same to the email address of the applicant. There will be a QR code embedded on such certificate which can be utilized for verification of the authenticity of the same.
Step 1: Visit FSSAI.Gov Website
Visit Online FSSAI registration page.
Step 2: Click on the Sign up
Select the option mentioned below the “Existing User” section. As soon as you click on “Sign up” option you will be redirected to FBO Sign up page and then to FSSAI login.
Step 3: Fill details of your FBO
Fill up the details mentioned below:
Name of the applicant
Postal PIN code
Email ID
Mobile number
User ID
Confirm your password again and enter the CAPTCHA.
Later click on “Register”
Step 4: In case of existing username/password
In case the Username or Password already exists, a message will be displayed on the screen, by which you will have to make the changes. The messages say that you have to add a special character and any number in the password.
Step 5: SMS after successful Sign up
Once you sign up successfully you will receive a confirmation mail and text message on the contact number and mail ID.
Once you complete this entire procedure you will have to log in with the login credentials, later upload the documents required for FSSAI login.
Importance of FSSAI License and Certification
On taking the license and registration under the FSSAI, the FBO and his entity are required to display the logo of FSSAI on all the food packages and the board of the entity and also in such other important places. This would increase their credibility and reputation among the consumers as the usage of the FSSAI logo is providing assurance on quality. The logo gives the consumer further assurance that the food produced and sold by the entity is safe for consumption.
With an increased reputation, the company can actually grab investors along with the consumers such that there is the expansion of both business and the market share. Along with this, there will also be a saving of cost which would arise from legal fees, penalties, and charges levied by the authorities for running the business without taking proper license from FSSAI as required.
License Number Issued by FSSAI
FSSAI issues the user with a 14-digit license number which is unique and can be used for easily identifying a registered person or business. And this shall be imprinted along with the FSSAI logo which is given on the packages sold by them and also the important places in the business premise.
The 14-digit number shall be divided into 5 different sections. And each of these 5 sections holds different information relating to the consumer making it unique and easy to identify a particular FBO.
– Section 1: The first digit of the registration number which is showing off if the FBO has received a license under the FSSAI or not.
– Section 2: This is holding the 2nd and 3rd digits of the FSSAI license number issued to the FBO and it is holding the information relating to the state in which the entity is registered and is operating their business with the help of the code of the state.
– Section 3: This is the 4th and also the 5th number of the registration number, which is indicating the year during which the license or registration was obtained by the entity.
– Section 4: Now, this holds the 6th, 7th, and 8th digits of the license number and is indicating the enrolling master’s quantity of the FBO which has obtained registration with the FSSAI.
– Section 5: And this section is holding the last 6 numbers of the license number issued and is the unique license number which the FSSAI has issued to the FBO or entity for being identified uniquely from other entities or FBOs registered with the FSSAI.
Hence, we can conclude that it is always preferred to take FSSAI registration or certification as it would help in improving the customer base as there will be safety and security assured to the consumers with respect to the food they are consuming. It also provides legal advantage as an entity without FSSAI license will have to pay penalties. And the entities can also use the logo providing a brand credibility which would also help in raising funds and loans required for expanding the business.