How To Start Travel Business in India
In India, Travel and tourism industry is one of the largest one and significant employment generators.). According to the UN’s World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the travel and tourism industry offers 6-7 percent of the world’s total jobs honestly and much more indirectly through the multiplier effect.  Among 184 countries in terms of GDP contribution and the tourism industry, the travel and tourism industry in India is ranked 12th and the tourism industry in India is set to grow at 7.8% per year during 2013-2023.
Tourism is growing at a rate of 14% annually. Quite a popular business in India. Even if you don’t, consider Travel Business Opportunities. A travel agency is extremely profitable when done right. The licensing of all tour operators / travel agents / excursion agents / tourist transport operators will be mandatory and no one can operate in NCT of Delhi without grant of license, irrespective of the size of business turnover.
The process of becoming a travel agent is very easy as you require a high school diploma to become one. On top of that many employers prefer additional formal training along with good communication and computer skills among the travel agency applicants. Moreover, it is always preferable by an employer if you have a college degree and certificate in Travel and Tourism.
Detailed Procedure To Start Travel Business in India
Registration & License Required For Travel Business in India
Before entering a business, you have to take the license and registration of the company. There are two ways to start a travel company. The one is tradition and the other is the smart way.
First, we will talk about the traditional way to register a company. First, contact any C.A with an appointment. He will ask you to come with a bunch of papers, that you have to submit him and then you will get the approximate date of registration of your company. This process takes a little bit of time.
Another smart way for travel company registration. There are plenty of startups out there. Including those that would be a one-stop solution for all your legal and financial needs to start your business in India. There are many companies of C. A who assures that they will register your company easily without running around to multiple places for documents.
IATA agent
The trade association for world airlines is known as the International Air Transport Association (IATA).This institution offers comprehensive training and professional development services for travel agents. Being IATA accreditation help the travel agency to attain seal of approval recognized worldwide.
Registering Trademark
In today’s competitive world it is very significant to protect your brand name and logo from being exploited by the competitors. Also, it helps the owner to obtain exclusive rights over the trademark.