Industries Exempted From Obtaining NOC From The Pollution Control Board

Industries Exempted From Obtaining NOC From The Pollution Control Board

6 Mins read

The industries not required to obtain a No Objection Certificate (N.O.C.) from the Pollution Control Board may vary based on the rules and policies of the region or country in question. Even so, a few average enterprises are frequently excluded or have improved on techniques for getting N.O.C.s. These exclusions are ordinarily founded on variables like the size of the business, the idea of activities, and the degree of natural effect.

Industries such as The Following may be Exempt From or have Simplified Procedures for Obtaining NOC From The Pollution Control Board

1. Small-scale industries: Small-scale ventures with low pollution potential or those working inside specific edges might be excluded from getting NOC From The Pollution Control Board

2. Cottage industries: Cottage enterprises that include conventional and non-polluting exercises might be excluded from N.O.C. prerequisites.

3. Certain agricultural activities: Depending on the scale and nature of operations, a few agricultural activities, like cultivating and creature farming, might be excluded from N.O.C. necessities.

4. Non-polluting industries: Businesses that are named non-polluting or have negligible natural effects, such as software development, I.T. administrations, and consultancy administrations, might be excluded from N.O.C. necessities.

5. Renewable energy projects: Businesses engaged with environmentally friendly power projects, like sunlight-based or wind energy, may have developed systems for acquiring N.O.C.s because they are harmless to the ecosystem.

Reasons for Exemption from N.O.C. Requirements

Exclusion from N.O.C. (No Objection Certificate) necessities can differ depending upon a specific locale’s particular setting and guidelines. However, the following are some typical justifications for the exclusion of an organization or individual from obtaining an NOC From Pollution Control Board –

  • Statutory Exemptions: Certain regulations or guidelines may unequivocally state exclusions from N.O.C. prerequisites for explicit exercises or substances. These exclusions are generally founded on the idea of the action or the situation with the element in question.
  • Governmental or Diplomatic Immunity: Government organizations, strategic missions, and their faculty might be excluded from N.O.C. necessities because of their authority status and the standards of discretionary invulnerability.
  • Emergency or Urgent Situations: In crises or pressing circumstances where getting an N.O.C. would create huge setbacks or impede basic tasks, exceptions might be allowed to guarantee the smooth working of fundamental administrations.
  • Pre-approved Projects or Activities: A few jurisdictions might have pre-supported ventures or activities that are excluded from N.O.C. necessities in view of foreordained measures, like low natural effect or negligible risk to public safety.
  • Small-scale or Low-risk Operations: Exclusions might be allowed for limited-scope operations or exercises that present insignificant gamble to public security, health, or the environment. This is frequently done to simplify regulatory procedures and lessen the administrative burden placed on low-risk businesses.
  • Public safety: Public safety services play a vital role in ensuring the public’s well-being. These services encompass a broad range of activities such as law enforcement, fire department services, emergency medical services and other related services. They are designed to keep people safe from harm and prevent incidents that could harm them.
  • Rapid response: Exemptions play a crucial role in facilitating quick responses during emergencies. They allow emergency responders and other essential personnel to act without delays, ensuring that they can respond to emergencies as quickly as possible.
  • Continuity: The continuity of critical functions during crises is essential to ensure that the necessary services remain operational. Maintaining these services helps prevent further crises and ensures that people have access to the resources they need.
  • Life-saving measures: Healthcare and emergency services are life-saving measures that require uninterrupted operation. These services are essential to saving lives during emergencies and must be prioritised.

List of Industries Exempted From Obtaining NOC From The Pollution Control Board

  1. Aggarbatti and cosmetic products manufactured by blending (Dry Process).
  2. Air conditioners, Room Coolers, water Coolers & heaters without wet process.
  3. All types of toys & Doll making electrical without wet process.
  4. Aluminium utensils from aluminium circles (without any wet process)
  5. Aluminium, Stainless Steel, and Brass Vessel marking units have only one process: spinning without the use of buffing, polishing, pickling, washing, Hot/Cold rolling annealing furnace, and anodizing processes.
  6. Assembling of Door closer and Rings.
  7. Assembly of air coolers/conditioners, repairing and servicing
  8. Assembly of bicycles, baby carriages, and other small non-motorized vehicles
  9. Assembly of Computer, Computer peripherals and Computer Software.
  10. Atta Chakki and Millet grinding.
  11. Audio, Video and consumer electronic equipment assembly only.
  12. Automobile Bodybuilding without wet process.
  13. Automobile Repair Workshop. (without any wet process)
  14. Ayurvedic and Homeopathic medicine (without Boiler)
  15. Bailing (hydraulic press) of waste papers (without any wet process)
  16. Beauty Parlour.
  17. Beekeeping.
  18. Belt Fastener units without wet process.
  19. Bindi making units.
  20. Bio-gas.
  21. Biscuit trays, etc., from rolled P.V.C. sheet (using automatic vacuum forming machine)
  22. Biscuits, Pastries, Cakes, Confectionery, Bread, Bakery up to 100 kg/day.
  23. Black Smithy Shop.
  24. Blending and packaging of Tea
  25. Block making for printing without a foundry (excluding wooden block making)
  26. Block making, Printing, Offset Printing.
  27. Book Binding.
  28. Brass & Bell metal utensils manufacturing from circle (without re-rolling facility)
  29.  Brush-making units with fibre/plastic wire.
  30. Candle manufacture.
  31. Carpentry & furniture units without Seasoning.
  32. Carpentry and wooden furniture are manufactured (excluding sawmills) using electrical (motorized) machines such as electric wood planners, steel saws with circular blades, etc.
  33. Carpet weaving.
  34. Cement products (without using Asbestos) like pipe, pillars, Jafri, well rings, blocks/tiles, etc., should be done under a closed covered shed to control fugitive emissions)
  35. Ceramic colour manufacturing (not using Boiler and wastewater recycling process)
  36. Chewing Tobacco.
  37. Coated electrode manufacturing
  38. Cotton Belts and Tapes/Cotton Nilwar, etc.
  39. Cotton cloth Knitting.
  40. Cotton quilt and mattress making.
  41. Cotton socks-knitting.
  42. Crown cork-making units.
  43. Dairy farming (Rural Area focal points periphery of ½ K.M.)
  44. Decoration of ceramic cups & plates by electric furnace
  45. Diesel Generator sets up to 15 K.V.A.
  46. Diesel pump repair & servicing
  47. D.P.C. coating of copper and aluminium wire without any wet process.
  48. Drawing, Surveying and Scientific instrument making with no wet process.
  49. Dry Grinding of spices.
  50. Electrical & electronic items assembling
  51. Electrical switches, accessories making, and panel boards without a wet process.
  52. 52 Electrical/electronic testing and measuring instruments without wet process.
  53. Electronic Components without the use of chemicals.
  54. Embroidery.
  55. Engineering good mfg. Units without wet process.
  56. 56 Engineering Workshops, Machine Shop, Press Shop, Sheet Metal fabrications including steel furniture rolling shutters grinding, fabrication (without foundry, pickling, electroplating, galvanizing and any discharge of water/oil).
  57. Fabrication units connected with animal-drawn vehicles and trailers without any heat treatment or furnace use, i.e., with no emissions.
  58. Finished leather goods, conversion of finished without wet process.
  59. Fish Ponds.
  60. Flavoured battle nut production/grinding.
  61. Floor Polish, Nail Polish, Tooth Powder, Hair Oil, Shampoo and Toothpaste with blending only.
  62. Fountain pen manufacturing
  63. Garments manufacturing without wet process.
  64. General Wire Industries like wire drawing, barbed wire, Chain links, and making units without wet process.
  65. Glass ampoules & vials are made from glass tubes.
  66. Gold/Silver smithy shops with no water or chemical use.
  67. Green House/Floriculture under Mechanized process under controlled temperature.
  68. Groundnut decorticating (dry)
  69. Hand Tools without casting.
  70. Handicraft.
  71. Handlooms without wet process.
  72. Household appliances and kitchen equipment are without wet process.
  73. Insulation and other coated papers (excluding paper or pulp manufacturing) Manufacturing
  74. Jobbing and machining
  75. Knitting cloth/Fabrics (Small Scale) Dry process.
  76. Lathe and Welding sets (only electrical) without casting.
  77. Leather cutting and stitching (more than ten machines and using motor)
  78. Leather footwear and leather products (excluding tanning and hide processing) (except cottage scale)
  79. Manufacture of Cement Blocks/Jellies etc.
  80. Manufacture of Steel trunks/boxes/drums/Shutters.
  81. Manufacturing of optical lenses (using an electrical furnace)
  82. Manufacturing of shoe brush & wire brush
  83. Marketing/Industrial Consultancy/Advertising Agencies.
  84. Mechanical clocks/watches, etc.
  85. Medical & Surgical Instruments and equipment without wet process.
  86. Mfg. of Transformers without poly chlorinated Hydrocarbon.
  87. Mosaic tiles, cement pipes. Spun pipes manufacturing units.
  88. Motor and Pump Making without foundry and wet process.
  89. Mushroom cultivation under controlled conditions/temperature.
  90. Musical instrument with no wet process.
  91. Non-conventional Energy items.
  92. Nut cracking & roasting.
  93. Oil extraction by Kohls or expellers without Boiler.
  94. Oil mill Ghani & extraction (no hydrogenation/refining)
  95. Optical Frames and glasses without wet process.
  96. Organic manure (manual mixing).
  97. Orthopaedic equipment without casting/wet process.
  98. Packing and Processing of items using Mechanized Process.
  99. Packing materials manufacturing from non-asbestos fibre, vegetable fibre yarn
  100. Packing of Agricultural/Forest Produce under Controlled Temperature (Mechanized Process).
  101. Packing of powdered milk
  102. Paints and varnishes (mixing and blending) (without ball mill) (without any wet process)
  103. Paper Pins, ‘U’ Clips, pen Holders, pen & paper products without wet process.
  104. Paper Products without wet process.
  105. Plastic Nisar from monofilament yarn.
  106. Polythene Bags from Monofilament Sheets/polythene sheets.
  107. Power loom Weaving (Small Scale) Dry process.
  108. Preparation of photo identity card by using video camera-laser printing.
  109. Puffed rice (muri) (using oil gas or electrical heating system)
  110. R.C.C. Bricks.
  111. Repairing of electric motor & generator
  112. Seed Processing Units/hybrid Seeds- Mechanized process.
  113. Sericulture units.
  114. Small restaurants, coffee/Tea shops and Snack Bars.
  115. Solar Energy Panel Makings.
  116. Spinning (Small Scale) Dry process.
  117. Sports Goods without leather tanning & other wet process.
  118. S.T.D. Booth/cable T.V. Net Work/EPBAX.
  119. Steel furniture without spray painting
  120. Surgical and medical products do not involve effluent/emission-generating processes.
  121. Tailoring Shop as SSSBI.
  122. Tea Grading and packing.
  123. Telecommunication equipment without wet process.
  124. Typing Centre/Xeroxing.
  125. Tyre rereading (only cold Processing).
  126. Umbrellas, Raincoats, Tarpaulins without wet process.
  127. Weigh Bridge.
  128. Weighing machines with no wet process.
  129. Welding Electrodes.
  130. Wooden and corrugated Crates and Boxes.
  131. Zip Fasteners.

We hope that our article has been productive and helpful to you. If you need any further guidance, you can contact

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About author
G Durghasree B.A.B.L (Hons) is a registered trademark attorney with extensive experience as an Advocate for a period of 8 years. She possesses expertise in trademark law, including trademark filing and trademark hearings. Additionally, she is skilled in contract drafting and reviewing, providing legal advice and opinions, particularly in the areas of Company Law, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), and Goods and Service Tax Law (GST). Her experience encompasses both litigation and non-litigation aspects of these laws.
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