GeneralSmart Skills

Motivate your Team to a New High!!

3 Mins read


As a Team Leader or Manager, you may be blessed with the best of experts; but their skills either individually or as a group can take you only so far in your success – especially if they are not performing to their true potential. The best of Individual Contributors may flounder when they assume the responsibility of a Lead.
Whilst your client/project deliverable are your prime responsibility – this aspect formulates only the ‘What’ about your role. The other aspect i.e. the ‘How’ aspect comprises of your team’s motivation & eventually their performance. So, in order to be able to achieve your ‘What’ with a bang, please make sure that you give sufficient & more attention to your ‘How’! Here Kanakkupillai List’s few easy tricks that can help you to inspire your teams-

1) Find out what they ‘Truly’ need –

Listening to your individual team members needs is the fastest way to ensure they are successful in their endeavors. Talk to them often and fulfill as many of their resource’s/information/data etc. needs to help them achieve their best.

2) Share your company’s ‘Meaningful’ vision-

In addition to the profitability impact that your team makes on the company’s bottom-line, make sure you paint a meaningful vision of what and how their hard work makes a difference.

3) Be ‘Respectful’-

Whilst some team members are contended with rewards & awards, for most people it is essential to know that their ideas/inputs/creativity is well-received & appreciated. They should feel the freedom to be able to wear their thinking hats and openly share solutions. Even if you do not find their inputs apt to the situation at hand, make sure you acknowledge their initiatives and prompt them in the right direction.

4) Steer clear of ‘Micromanaging’ –

The fastest way to lose your team’s confidence & respect is to micromanage their efforts. A true leader steps back and lets their team do their jobs without standing behind their shoulders. Rather inculcate a conducive and safe environment for your team to huddle up and find solutions on their own. Pitch in only if you foresee a challenge or they approach you!

5) Lead by ‘Example’

Behaviors, actions or initiatives – if you maintain the bar that you have set for yourselves & your team members; your leadership style will not only earn you genuine respect from your team; it will also rub off on them. In the process, you will have sub-consciously started the grooming process for your successor as you gun for a higher role/responsibility in your company.

6) Be ‘Persistently Reliable’

Follow through on promises that you make to your team. When leaders say one thing, but do another, they erode trust–a critical element of productive leadership. Make sure that your team sees you persistently reliable in what you say or do. Avoid making any promises that you may not be able to see through.

7) Be ‘Decisive’ –

You are in a Leadership role for a reason! Your management has seen your ability to be courageous and if needed – walk through fire & crisis to take concrete. Offer solutions to your team first, then seek their inputs and conclude with a decision for the team to follow through.

8) Set a tone of ‘High Positivity’-

Even the most dull & ; mundane tasks can be made fun in an environment charged with happiness & high positivity. Let your emotions shine through – Smile, laugh & have fun with your team – not just because you need to motivate them but also because you help them all do & become a better version of themselves.

9) Accept your ‘Mistakes’

To err is to be humane – It is ok for you to let your team know that you made a mistake or erred in your judgement or decision. The key point to remember here is to shift gears into a problem solving mode. This will encourage your team members to try and take calculated risks, own up their mistakes and jump start to a solution seeking mode.

10) Encourage their ‘Personal Growth’-

As a leader, you can use your association with your team members to understand their personal motivations. Each individual is unique with their own set of aspirations. Mentor them wherever you can and guide them with avenues where your contribution is limited. Share books or simply lead them to people who can help them accomplish their personal goals. Remember – You are only as good as your team. It is your job & duty as a leader to set the bar, inspire, and motivate your team to reach greatness – both personally & professionally, so use your position wisely & maturely.

Until then, Keep Inspiring & Keep Trending!!

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