NGO & Trust

Online Procedure of Society Registration Renewal

3 Mins read

We must first understand what a society is in order to comprehend what a society registration renewal is! A society is a place where a collection of people live together in an organized community or organization for political, religious, scientific, patriotic, and charitable objectives. In other words, social relationships between people who adhere to the same institutions or cultures define societies.

These societies are governed by the Societies Registrations Act of 1860, which may be amended by each state. Along with the Apartment Association, the societies are created with the intention of sustaining commercial or residential neighborhoods.

What is a Society Registration Act?

The Society Registration Act lays out certain guidelines for the registration and functioning of societies. This act aims to advance the fine arts, literature, and sciences as well as raise awareness of other goals.

How much does it cost to renew a Registered Society?

Each society’s registration must be renewed in accordance with the Society Registration Act one month before it expires. The registrar must receive an application for renewal of society registration along with the required fee. A registered society is eligible for a five-year renewal.

According to the Society Registration Act, the following cost schedule is provided for society registration renewals:

  • The initial registration fee for a registered society, which is typically ₹200, must be paid again in order to renew the registration. To the extent that the increased amount does not exceed the fee paid for registering a society, the state government may, on occasion, increase the amount by issuing the required notification.
  • The state administration claims that an additional ₹40 must be paid. This sum might even rise. If the request to renew the society’s registration is made within one month of its expiration date, the payment must not exceed one-fifth of the registration fee of Rs.200.
  • If the renewal application is received more than one month after the expiration date, a monthly fee of at least Rs.20 will be added; however, the added amount cannot be more than half of the aforementioned additional fee.

What paperwork is required for the renewal of a society registration?

The complete list of necessary paperwork for renewing a registered society is provided below:

  • A renewal application in the format required
  • The original registration certificate and a photocopy of the current registration certificate
  • A list of every executive committee member, with their full names, jobs, and addresses
  • A certificate of authenticity must be signed by three significant current executive committee members. A gazetted officer must thereafter attest to the certificate.
  • A replica of the most recent yearly balance statement
  • A certified photocopy of the most recent audit report supplied by the society’s annual general meeting (AGM), the government auditor, or a chartered accountant. Within 30 days following the AGM’s approval, the registrar must receive this photocopy.
  • Copies of the certificate of use. The society’s use of institutional, institutional, or semi-government funds acquired before or at the time of the renewal application must be detailed in the utilization certificate.
  • A photocopy of each executive member’s signature, together with their full names and birthdates (and, if applicable, the secretary’s and the new president’s signatures). A subdivision officer, deputy commissioner, or additional deputy commissioner must be present for the members to sign.
  • Copies of the society’s bank account records
  • Copies of the passbook used by the society in the three years prior to the renewal date
  • The President and Secretary’s passport-size photographs

What is the renewal process for society registration?

Here is how to renew your society registration online:

  • A list of the people from the governing body who will be chosen after the registration renewal must be included in the society’s application for registration renewal.
  • Registrars may only discard the society’s registration certificate if it is already lost, damaged, or destroyed.

An online application form (usually provided on the official website of the state government) needs to be submitted with the prerequisite information:

  1. The name of the organization that will be renewed
  2. The registered society’s current file number
  3. The applicant’s complete contact information, including their email address and phone number
  4. These documents must be posted on the state government’s official website.
  5. The prior file number will be retained when the society registration renewal process is finished.

What takes place if the Society Registration renewal fails?

A society shall be regarded as unregistered or null if its registration is not renewed within a year of its expiration date. Even after a year has passed since the registration’s expiration date, the registrar may nevertheless authorize the renewal of the society’s registration. In this situation, strong justification must be given to the registrar. The registrar may impose a Rs.400 extra fee.

According to the Societies Registration Act of 1860, the registered society must be renewed. The registration will remain in effect for following five years after being renewed. Society renewal procedures are comparable to offline registration procedures. After providing all the necessary information, it is simple to complete the renewal process online using the state government’s offered web portal.

Under the Societies Registration Act of 1860, each society’s registration is good for five years. After this time period has passed, the society must re-register. Within one month of the registration’s expiration date, the society’s registration must be renewed. After providing the necessary information about the society, the state government’s website or online portal can be used to renew society registrations.

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