Digital signatures are gaining prominence among individuals and corporations in the current fast-moving digital scenario. With the aid of these e-signatures, online document signing and transactions are rendered simpler, safer, and more efficient. They also secure our vital personal records against cyber-attacks, cyber threats, and forgery.
Digital signatures need renewal to ensure their ongoing efficacy and validity, similar to other digital assets. This blog covers the process of renewing a digital signature certificate and the steps to follow for a smooth renewal.
Working on Digital Signature Certificate
In plain terms, a Digital Signature Certificate comprises a file generated by an Authorized Certifying Authority through encryption and is then published to you within the USB eToken. When signing any specific document, this file is reached, which works like a ‘key’ or Private Key and secures and locks the document being signed via encryption.
Apart from locking the document undersigned, this file also appends a Digital Certificate carrying your identity information such as name, name of organization, and email ID.
It also inserts a key code (termed a public key) which is similar to the key stored in the verifying authority server, thereby permitting the other party to endorse the genuineness of your DSC. There is no presence of your actual signature inside the DSC in the form of a scanned copy.
The Necessity for a Digital Signature Certificate
A digital signature certificate (DSC) offers an electronic mode of verifying your identity and furnishes an enhanced level of security for online transactions. You can utilize certificates to encrypt information to make it readable only by the recipient.
The data’s digital signing confirms to the recipient that it was not altered during transit and proves the sender’s identity. Every digital signature has a validity period of 1 or 2 years. Following the expiration of the DSC’s validity, the user must renew it.
If the DSC is not renewed on time, it loses its validity, requiring the user to reapply for a fresh certificate. The entity entrusted with supervising the renewal of the DSC is the Certifying Authority (CA) or the Registration Authority (RA). The user must comply with the DSC renewal form and the required paperwork to renew the DSC.
Different Kinds of Digital Signature Certificates
The different classes of digital signature certificates include the following:
- Class 1: These certificates do not possess any legal authority as the validation procedure rests simply on an authentic email ID and does not involve any direct certification.
- Class 2: This class requires verifying a person’s identity against a reliable, pre-authenticated database.
- Class 3: This is the most superior level where the person is required to appear before a Registration Authority (RA) and verify their identity.
Renewal of Digital Signature Certificate
A DSC comprises a mathematical method used to prove the integrity and genuineness of software, messages, or digital documents. It is the digital parallel or e-format of paper or physical certificates. A few examples of physical certificates include Membership Cards, Passports, or Driving Licenses.
Digital signatures play a key role in various official filings and online transactions in India, including company registrations, income tax returns, and various electronic documents. They provide integrity, genuineness, and non-repudiation for the digital data being transported. As per the Information Technology Act of 2000, digital signatures need repeated renewal for them to be officially acknowledged and valid.
Process for Renewal of Digital Signature Certificate
The digital signature renewal process in India covers the specified steps:
1. Assessment of Renewal Needs
As the validity timeline of a digital signature certificate nears, the user needs to evaluate their renewal criteria. This assessment rests on their frequent transactions and the legality factor based on their continuing dealings and the legality factor for separate purposes.
2. Connecting to Certifying Authority
The user must contact the Certifying Authority from whom the DSC was originally received. The CA is responsible for managing and issuing digital certificates in India.
3. Submission of Application
The user is required to apply for renewal of the DSC to the respective CA. Somebody can generally apply online through the CA’s portal or by completing the prescribed form.
Information and Documents Needed
Concrete documents and information help in the renewal of the DSC. They can be the following:
Application Form
The user must complete the renewal application form supplied by the CA. The form typically requires personal details, details of available certificates, and the reason for renewal.
Proof of Address and Identity
The user may be required to furnish supporting documents such as address and identity proof, such as a copy of their PAN card, passport, Aadhaar card, or voter ID card.
Current Certificate Details
The user must supply details of the existing DSC, such as the certificate number, issue date, and the CA that issued the certificate.
Payment of Renewal Fee
A renewal fee is pertinent for digital signature renewal. The user must pay according to the CA’s prescribed fee structure. The payment can typically be made online through different payment modes.
DSC’s renewal fees are based on the type of certificate. You need to examine your certificate type and which digital signature you possess, class 2 or class 3. Launch your USB token tool to discover the certificate type.
If you possess a class 3 digital signature certificate, the renewal charge is 3400/- for two years, comprising GST 18%.
You can apply for renewal seven days prior to the expiration of your current DSC.
The charges for renewing a Class 3 DSC are:
Validity of 1 year: INR 2,400
2 years: 3,400 INR
3 years: 4,400 INR
Issuance and Renewal of Certificate
After the renewal application is submitted, together with the required documents and payment, the CA analyzes it and confirms the submitted details. Following successful authentication, the CA generates a fresh key pair for the certificate owner, renews the DSC, and issues a fresh certificate with a prolonged validity period.
Installation and Downloading
Anybody can download the renewed DSC from the CA’s website or accept it through email. The user must download and set up the renewed certificate on the proper hardware or software token for subsequent use.
Revocation of Expired Certificate
The user should ascertain that the expired/old certificate is cancelled after the renewal and setting up of the latest digital signature certificate. Revocation bars an expired certificate from operating, reasserting the validity and safety of the renewed certificate.
The precise process and requirements for renewing digital signatures may differ depending on the CA publishing the certificate and any updates to the rules. For a hassle-free renewal process, one should go to the CA’s official portal and observe their specific guideline.
Through the renewal process of digital signature you insure that your document remains inviolable along with safe digital transactions. Taking cues from the prescribed steps, opting for a dependable Certifying Authority, and finishing the renewal process prior to the expiration of the present certificate, organizations and individuals can benefit from the ease and security offered by digital signatures in the digital age.
Remain proactive and secure, and continue signing digitally! To renew your digital signature certificates, contact kanakkupillai immediately.