Rent Free Accommodation in Income Tax

Rent Free Accommodation in Income Tax

4 Mins read

A rent-free lodging given by an employer to an employee is an employee perquisite under income tax laws in India. According to the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961, this benefit is taxable in the hands of the employee under the head “Income from Salary.” However, there are rules on how those accommodations are valued and taxed.

Rent-free accommodation has become part of salary packages for many companies and government organizations. Its tax implications help employees and employers minimize their tax burden.

What is Rent-Free Accommodation?

Rent-free accommodation is a residential house provided to an employee by an employer without any rent or at a concessional rate. Given that this facility is a benefit, under income tax law, it is treated as a perquisite and added to the employee’s taxable income.

Whether or how to tax rent-free accommodation depends on a number of factors, specifically:

  • Public or Private sector (Govt or Non-Govt)
  • Accommodation (Metro or Non-Metro)
  • Property Status (Owned or leased by the employer)
  • Employee salary structure

Taxability of Rent-Free Accommodation Under Income Tax

Treatment of rent-free accommodation: rent-paid treatment is determined based on the nature of the employer — whether it is a government or non-government employer.

1. Rent-Free Accommodation for Government Employees

In case of Central and State Government employees, the value of perquisites in respect of rent-free accommodation is computed on the basis of the license fee rates as prescribed by the government. These highly embellished rent rates are decided by the Directorate of Estates for the government-provided accommodations.

The perquisite is taxed on the basis of actual license fee charged for similar accommodation facilities.

2. Rent-Free Accommodation for Non-Government Employees

Perquisite value for employees in private companies, public sector units or any other non-government organizations is calculated depending on:

  • If the property is owned by the employer, the value of the perquisite is:
  • 15% of Salary in metros (Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai)
  • One of the solutions offered in non-metro cities is a 10% salary deduction.
  • When the property has been rented or leased by the employer, the value of the perquisite is:
  • Employers will pay the lesser of the real rent a company is paying or 15% of salary

Salary considered for the above calculation is as below:

  1. Basic salary
  2. Dearness Allowance (only if included in salary for retirement benefits)
  3. Bonus
  4. Commission
  5. Any other fixed allowances

For the purpose of calculating a taxable perquisite, if a accommodation is provided to an employee at a concessional rate that would be the difference between the fair market value of the rent and what the employee pays as a rent.

3. Rent-Free Accommodations Exemptions and Deductions

Some employees can get rent-free accommodation with tax-free status. These include:

  • Judges of the Supreme Court and of High Courts
  • Union and State Ministers
  • Officials in Parliament
  • employees in special categories as notified by the government

Another exemption, however, is available if the employer provides accommodation at remote locations, mining sites, offshore platforms, or challenging terrains, as long as certain conditions are met.

Calculating the Perquisite value of Rent-free Accommodation

Step 1: Determine if the employer is a governmental entity or a private sector entity.

That tells you what computation method is used.

Step 2: Find out who owns the property

Ask if the employer owns or rents the premises.

Step 3: Determine the value of the perquisite

For government employees: use license fee as per government guidelines.

(Narrowing it down to non-government employees: calculate perquisite value based on salary and city classification)

Step 4: Deduct Employee Contributions

This is because, if he pays something towards the accommodation, that amount will be deducted from the perquisite value calculated, to arrive at the taxable extent.

Employer and Employee Tax Implications

  1. For Employers

Employers that offer rent-free accommodation should:

  • Calculate TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) on the perquisite value and deduct.
  • Indicate perquisite value in Form 16 and salary statements
  • Have proper documentation on rent agreements and property ownership
  1. For Employees

Employees living rent-free must:

  • Add the value of the perk to their total taxable income
  • Apply Income tax slab on the perquisite value and pay taxes on it.
  • Claim the relief at the time of filing Income Tax Return (ITR)

Rent-Free Accommodation vs. House Rent Allowance (HRA)

Rent-free accommodation is often confused with house rent allowance (HRA) by many employees. But they are taxed differently.

  • Rent-free lodging: accommodation is provided by the employer. The perquisite amount is added to taxable salary.
  • House Rent Allowance (HRA): The employer pays you an allowance for rented accommodation, which is partially or fully tax-exempt under Section 10(13A) of the Income Tax Act.

Employees in receipt of HRA can claim deductions under Section 80GG while employees who have not received accommodation or rent-free accommodation will not be able to claim HRA deductions.

New Rules on Tax Treatment of Rent-Free Accommodations

The Indian Government regularly updates tax provisions pertaining to perquisites. Some recent changes include:

  • The metro cities can expect a higher valuation as the property rates will be higher than the property rates in surrounding areas.
  • Updated TDS norms for the employer providing accommodation free of rent
  • Enhanced vigilance on perquisite disclosures on tile-16, ITR filings

For employment and most individuals, tax rules could be different after 2023, so it is important to work together and remain updated.


Rent-free housing is a great perk for employees, but there are tax consequences. Knowledge of its taxability, calculation methods, exemptions, and deductions enable employers and employees to make informed financial decisions.

Employees must check that their employer correctly computes and reports the perquisite value, whereas employers must comply with TDS requirements to avoid penalties. Understanding the relevant income tax provisions can be key for taxpayers to figure out how to handle tax-free lodging benefits and minimize their taxes.

Tax Planning by employees leads to maximum take-home salary while being fully compliant with income tax. Monitoring the latest tax updates and exemptions can help an individual optimize this benefit while also ensuring they keep their tax liability in check.

182 posts

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A Lawyer by profession and a writer by passion, my expertise extends to creating insightful content on topics such as company, GST, accounts payable, and invoice. Expertise in litigation, legal writing, legal research.
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