NGO & Trust

Special General Meeting of Cooperative Society: An Overview

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NGO & Trust

Special General Meeting of Cooperative Society: An Overview

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A cooperative society’s special general meeting is important because of its narrow focus and objective. This special meeting is held to discuss particular agenda items or subjects that require rapid attention. The Special General Meeting is the chosen forum for discussing these critical problems related to election matters, developmental strategies, administrative notifications, or serious misbehaviour claims. Unlike typical meetings, this gathering only discusses the topics listed on its agenda, providing a focused and effective debate.

Attending a Special General Meeting: The Importance of Remaining Informed and Engaged in Cooperative Society

Special General Meetings (SGMs) are crucial in the dynamic world of cooperative societies for resolving urgent concerns that call for rapid thought and action. These gatherings offer a forum for discussing significant issues that demand the participation and prompt attention of all interested parties. The breadth and diversity of topics that can be included on an SGM’s agenda represent the various needs and challenges that the society is currently dealing with.

When unanticipated catastrophes go beyond what the society’s sinking fund can cover, the urgency of these gatherings becomes clear. Due to the need for a concentrated strategy, societies hold SGMs to discuss how to quickly raise finances. As with security breaches, arguments on strengthening the Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) system for increased safety and vigilance might be sparked by suspicious events.

The cooperative attitude also includes building new facilities for the benefit of all society members. The agenda of an SGM can include projects aimed at enhancing the members’ quality of life, whether it be the building of community spaces, recreational amenities, or other value-added infrastructures.

An SGM may be called during transition or crisis if it is urgently necessary to replace officeholders. As a result, even in the face of unforeseen difficulties, the society’s administrative structure is guaranteed to be strong and efficient.

Another important matter on an SGM’s agenda is making urgent facility repairs. Early maintenance and restoration work can save problems from worsening and maintain the general well-being of the society’s buildings.

Attending the SGMs is crucial to stay aware of these important changes. The notice board is a good place to check frequently for updates on the society’s activities and upcoming SGMs. Members can better assess the relevance of the agenda items to their interests and duties thanks to this proactive approach, enabling informed involvement.

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Procedures for Summoning an SGM- Cooperative Society

A Cooperative Society must do more than publish a circular with the meeting’s specifics on the notice board to call for a Special General Meeting (SGM). Several procedures and rules must be followed to ensure the correct conduct of an SGM. The Managing Committee’s ability to communicate effectively is crucial in this process. Displaying information on the SGM’s location, schedule, and participants is insufficient; strict adherence to accepted practice is required.

  • A Special General Meeting (SGM) can be called within a month of submitting a formal written appeal with the signatures of at least one-fifth of the Society’s Members. The Chairman may order this, or the Committee may decide to do so by a majority vote.
  • A cooperative society’s secretary is responsible for choosing the SGM’s date, location, and time within seven days after receiving a request. All members of the society must then receive the meeting announcement five days before the event. However, the notification window for such exceptional general body assemblies may be shortened in urgent or pressing situations. Whatever the circumstance, the members’ communication must provide a detailed breakdown of the agenda items.

By the sample bylaws provided, a quorum must consist of at least 20 members or two-thirds of the committee’s members. The committee members can choose a representative from among themselves to preside over sessions without the Chairman. If voting is necessary based on the agenda, each member has one vote.

The meeting may be postponed to a later time on the same day if the necessary quorum is not reached within 30 minutes of the planned time. Alternatively, it may be rescheduled up to 30 days after the original time or within seven days of that time. The same scheduling window will apply if the required quorum is present and the meeting proceeds as planned, but the committee members cannot wrap up the meeting that day.

The Registrar can punish or exclude the person calling the SGM if they cannot run the meeting efficiently. When the agenda for the Cooperative Society Special General Meeting is extremely important or required, the Registrar also has the authority to appoint a suitable representative to conduct the meeting properly. These judicial interventions are uncommon in typical cooperative organizations.

All general body meetings, including SGMs, require the keeping of minutes. The governing Committee must finalize the draft minutes within three months, specifically the Secretary or the designated person responsible for taking minutes. Within fifteen days of the meeting, these finished minutes must be distributed to every member of the society.

Following that, members have a second fifteen-day window to offer ideas and comments on the draft minutes. The Committee is empowered to finalize the minutes and formally put them into the minutes book during a subsequent meeting if no comment is provided.

Role of SGM in a Cooperative Society

Every member of a cooperative society is acknowledged as an essential and crucial group component. The governing committee’s main responsibility is to educate members on key updates, choices, and societal developments. The society’s ultimate goal can only be achieved if its members are involved and enthusiastic about its efforts.

A Cooperative Society’s Special General Meetings (SGMs) are crucial when the Managing Committee, residents, and other stakeholders’ undivided attention is required. These events are not only crucial, but they also show great promise for fostering society’s general well-being. Furthermore, they vigorously advance the accountability principles and promptly take on new tasks with extreme concentration and intensity.

The consequences of Missing a Special General Meeting (SGM)

The Registrar has the right to suspend an officer or person in charge of scheduling a Committee meeting from participating in Committee activities for a set length of time, up to a maximum of three years, if they do not do so without a good reason. The Registrar may impose a fine of up to 1000 on the offender if they are a public employee. The Registrar must provide the person in question a fair chance to object to the proposed measures before taking any action under this provision.

Specific provisions apply when the rules don’t hold a society’s Special General Meeting (SGM). The power to intervene and lead the meeting rests with the Registrar or another designated person. Even in the absence of an effective structure, this intervention makes certain that important issues are handled. Notably, even though the call for the meeting wasn’t made by the conditions specified, it is legally presumed in such circumstances that the society’s Committee initiated it. This emphasizes how important it is to maintain society’s decision-making and functioning processes and its operational integrity.


A cooperative society’s Special General Meeting (SGM) provides a focused forum for discussing pressing issues. It covers specific agenda topics, including elections, plans, and accusations of misbehaviour. SGM attendance is essential to address infrastructure, budgetary, and security issues. These gatherings guarantee that the administrative system is solid during change or crisis. An SGM must be called by the right processes, which include quorum requirements and timely notification. When an SGM is not held, the Registrar can suspend or punish the offending parties. The importance of an SGM in involving society members is crucial, and its decisions have legal weight. SGMs are fundamental to the governance of cooperative societies as a whole.

A cooperative society’s Special General Meeting is crucial to effectively managing internal operations and informing members about issues affecting the community’s well-being. Kanakkupillai provides a streamlined online registration service for people looking to register their society that guarantees a simple and hassle-free process. To help you smoothly complete the registration process, our legal specialists are committed to providing advice and support at each stage. Kanakkupillai is a dependable partner, providing thorough guidance throughout the society registration process, whether navigating through papers, legal procedures, or any complexity.

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