Business TipsSmart Skills

Top Soft Skills That Enhance your value at Workplace

5 Mins read

In recent times it has been a challenging factor to be entering the workforce for the first time. The vintage path of completing education or learning some skills, then looking a job and prolonging in it for the entire career, is completely obsolete now.  Because your competitors in the workplace not only specialize in one or two skills but also upskill their specialized skills in multi-dimension throughout their phase of the carrier.
Besides, there are some skills that were necessary then and they have been even now; known to be soft skills. Commonly in workplaces, these skills are expected from an employee than the technical abilities he/she possesses. We Kanakkupillai present you the top 12 soft skills that enhance your value at the workplace are listed below

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence might sound familiar, but it is the most desired soft skill in the workplace. It is generally conveyed as the awareness or reflex action of your emotions, feelings and those of other people while being able to use the awareness to make and guide decisions to interact with others.
This is one of the required skills in work environments which are highly stressful, have tight schedules or deadlines and in the workplaces where people being moved from team to team for different projects constantly. Even, some workers end up working on multiple projects with multiple team leaders. In such workplaces, it is a must factor to control your emotions to work together with teams and to finish the work on time without any hindrance.


Leadership is not just being the one who leads a team. It is the ability to encourage and motivate other employers, including your peers. Employers expect people who can work alongside other people, be able to effectively communicate expert opinions, and enable them to make wise decisions that fit in the path with their ideas.
This is considered an extremely valuable trait by a company because of the advantage of an employee acting as subject matter experts when required for the specific projects they are working on. Team members who act as leaders move from project to project in every organization and they are given the priority to onsite opportunities as well.

Analytical And Quantitative Skills

Employers want their workforces with the ability to think analytically and critically. The employees who hold a large amount of information with respect to the trends are in high demand now. Quantifying information is a method to assign numerical values to pieces of information, enabling those pieces in the simplest possible form for analysis. This soft skill is in high demand due to the several numbers of information that are being gathered daily for business development and for vision forecast.
Employers nowadays have initiated to collect data on employee performance, project completion dates or some other business activities. These data no good to anyone just sitting in storage, so companies use it to improve their business.

Curiosity And Learning Desire

Employees who are curious and have a desire to learn more are most suitable to become proficient in the workplaces that are technology-driven. Technology is booming in rocket speed and you will be left behind if you lack desired skills, so you must have the hunger to learn. Once you develop these abilities there is much visible growth for you in the organization you work, and you will be considered as an asset the company.

Contextualize The Big Picture

It is a mandatory soft skill to conceptualize and forecast what your organization is doing, and how they could affect by circumstances or decisions. Employers are in keen to look for people who can contribute towards the long-time mission, visions of the company and make decisions that can bring outputs instantaneously.

Good Communication And Interpersonal Skills

The ability to communicate effectively & engage with different people can never be overrated in a corporate. To increase your value and to succeed in the workforce, employees must know how to communicate as well as what are all the things that should not be communicated inside a corporate ( politics) & listen to the people like supervisors, clients, and co-workers to get the work done effectively.

Computer And Technological Skills

Almost every job today requires basic level computer skills and technological knowledge with respect to the domain. This technology is used for keeping records, detailed notes, data collection and even to presentations. Employers want to know an employee’s level of computer and technological knowledge like beginner, intermediate or expert. Depends on these levels the value of an employee notches up in an organization.

A Positive Attitude

A positive attitude can do magic in turning up a department or company around. Employers give responsibilities to employees at the workplace those who possess a positive attitude. Moreover for employers, it’s prominent for them to have that energy and positive ambiance in the workplace. It helps people to proceed with their work on the go even when the work being done on a specific day is stressful.

A Strong Work Ethic

A strong work ethic is typically a driving force to work better and to work well in future too. Hiring such people that possess a strong work ethic is key to the success of any employer. A strong work ethic develops with constant learning and experience. It is hard to be taught, and even harder to maintain. But once you get the hold of strong work ethic, you will be considered an asset in your organization & your value go up beyond the expectations.

Problem-Solving Skills And Creativity

Problems arise often in the workplace. Employees who can find instant solutions to everyday challenges are considered to be more valuable to an organization than a person who can’t solutions for the problem. Some team leaders prefer to have a problem brought to their attention in prior, with options for solutions given at the same time.
As an employee, If you are put up in a position to make decisions, you should be capable of creating solutions better solutions for your team. Every employer needs someone who constantly identifies problems and solves them instantly or before it burst out to other extend


In the past, employees often seek jobs that are aligned with their desire to work independently or to be worked in a  team environment. But in today’s workforce, most of the works are done in teams; there is a requirement for employees to work independently or sometimes as part of a team but you will more likely be part of a team that work towards an objective.

Performance Under Pressure

The competitive nature of the job market creates tight deadlines and psychological pressure to produce the work quickly. If an organization does not release its product or service on time, they will lose their cup of tea to its competitors. So,  to perform under pressure as an employee in the workplace, you need to have all of the above-mentioned attributes.
You’ll need to depend on your teammates, understand, solve problems and work with distinct emotions, have a spirited attitude and technical skills to complete the work on time. A strong work ethic will help you in your tough times, while creativity will help you find several solutions to a single problem. Hence, try to Work on developing all of these mentioned skills, and you will be more desirable to employers and considered to be a non-replaceable asset to your organization.

So Here’s wishing you All the very best!
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