Trademark Maintenance: How To Keep Your Trademark Alive & Breathing?
Intellectual PropertyTrademark

Trademark Maintenance: How To Keep Your Trademark Alive & Breathing?

7 Mins read

An important component of intellectual property, a trademark serves to distinguish a brand and its products or services from those of competitors. Additionally, they support customers in determining the origin and quality of the products and services they buy. Obtaining brand name registered is an important accomplishment, but maintaining and protecting the brand name’s legitimacy throughout time is also important.

Trademark maintenance includes a range of legal, administrative, and commercial strategies, the associated challenges, and practical advice to ensure your brand name remains a protected area of strength for you. All of these are necessary to keep a trademark alive and well.

What is a Trademark?

A trademark represents the values, reputation, and commitment of a business; it is neither a name nor a symbol. It acts as the link between a business’s identity and its services, enabling customers to make wise choices. Trademarks can be word marks with company names and slogans or logo marks with distinctive visual designs, among other forms. The company’s dependability and quality are demonstrated by these trademarks, which also act as the cornerstone for brand identification in the marketplace.

What does “Trademark Maintenance” mean?

“Trademark maintenance” describes the initiatives and activities undertaken by the proprietor of a registered trademark to guarantee the legitimacy, protection, and enforcement of the brand throughout time. It comprises a number of conditions that must be fulfilled in order to preserve the rights connected to a registered trademark. Preventing the brand from being vulnerable to disputes, invalidation, or loss of protection is the primary goal of trademark maintenance.

Maintaining a trademark requires a variety of tasks, some of which are as follows:

  • Submitting a renewal application.
  • Send out cautionary notices.
  • Making tax payments.
  • Filing an affidavit of use.

Now, let’s take a subjective look at each of these:

1. Renewal Filing

Each jurisdiction where a renewal action is sought may have a different filing procedure. The maximum number of times the renewal may be requested is not specified. However, if one wishes to continue to benefit from the rights granted upon trademark registration after the trademark’s duration has elapsed—typically ten years following the date of application—a renewal application must be submitted. Although the Trademark Office generates an auto-intimation mail, it is the particular rights holder’s responsibility to make sure the renewal is filed before the due date. As a result, it’s important to keep in mind your renewal date.

2. Send out cautionary notices

It is necessary to submit cautionary notices to possible infringers or unlawful usage of similar marks in order to further safeguard your brand. By warning people regarding your rights and advising them not to use marks that can cause misunderstanding in the marketplace, these notices act as a preventative step. It is imperative to preserve copies of these notifications in case they become necessary in the future.

3. Make Tax Payments

Maintaining your trademark also entails paying off the debt associated with it. This includes keeping up with the taxes and payments needed to keep your trademark registered. Making timely payments guarantees that your mark is protected and active, protecting your exclusive rights.

4. Filing an Affidavit of Use

In certain regions, such as India, submitting an Affidavit of Use is necessary for the renewal procedure. This declaration attests to the fact that you have been applying the trademark for the products or services specified in the registration in commerce. Providing current and correct information is essential to keeping your trademark valid.

Additional Facts to Remember

1. Utilize the proper trademark for the application that was filed

Since the registered mark gives it strength, the rights holder is necessary to utilize the same representation of the mark after it has been registered. Additionally, the rights holder must use the “TM” symbol before gaining registration; yet, by employing the “R” symbol after registration is helpful since it lets the public know that the owner has made a notable effort and investment to protect his proprietary mark.

2. Refrain from Genericide

Preserve the uniqueness of your mark by telling them of its particular connection to your company. You can keep your mark from becoming a generic phrase by not using it that way.

3. Always Keeping an Eye on New Filings

It’s crucial to keep an eye on any new filings, not just in the region where one has registered his marks but also in potential locations where it could be possible to pursue more expansion. In order to prevent a new entry from diluting the strength of the mark, a appropriate search for trademarks should be carried out on a regular basis.

4. Never Be Afraid to Enforce Your Mark

Following mark registration, you need to keep an eye out for similar trademarks that could use your good name to their benefit and provide you with a competitive advantage. As such, it necessitates ongoing attention to detail and swift action to prevent such unauthorized and uninvited use of your trademark. Additionally, it contributes to the perception in the market that the owner of the rights is aware of those rights and will not hesitate to sue those who violate them.

5. Improve Your Portfolio of Trademarks

Over time, a right holder could explore and adapt to more competitive marketplaces while broadening the variety of products and services that were first mentioned in his trademark filing. In the event that expanding a trademark is desired, new trademark applications must be made in order to ensure that the brand is reserved for new categories of goods and services.

6. Beware of Scammers

Exercise caution while responding to false inquiries that are sent as official letters regarding trademarks. To prevent being duped, confirm the legitimacy of any communication and get advice from reputable legal experts.

Why is it Essential to Maintain Trademarks?

The owner of a trademark obtains exclusive usage rights upon registration. This indicates that without the owner’s consent, no one else may use the mark.

There are numerous benefits to registering a trademark. For example, it can assist with:

  • Prevent other people from using your brand.
  • Stop the counterfeiting.
  • Bring legal action for infringement against third parties.
  • Recover legal costs in cases that are successful.
  • Obtain protection for your mark across the country.
  • Give others a helpful heads-up about your ownership rights.
  • Publish your mark in an internet database that may be searched.
  • It is crucial that business owners think about registering their trademarks. By doing this, you can better protect the resources and reputation of your business.

Advantages of Maintaining a Trademark

The benefits of maintaining a trademark extend beyond merely following the law. It’s a proactive approach that gives companies the ability to protect their market share, reputation, and brand identity.

Let’s look at the multiple benefits of appropriately managing a trademark:

1. Brand Recognition and Distinctiveness: In a competitive market, your brand will continue to be distinct if you maintain it with efficient administration of trademarks. Consumers are more likely to be devoted and trustworthy when they can quickly identify and relate to your goods and services.

2. Protection Against Counterfeiting and Imitation: Consistent enforcement and monitoring discourage unauthorized parties from copying or duplicating your trademark. This keeps customers from becoming confused and protects the reputation of your brand.

3. Growth in Market Share and Competitive Advantage: Well-kept trademarks are chosen by customers more. A higher market share results from more recognition, which establishes your brand as the leading option in the sector.

4. Legal Security and Asset Value: By foreseeing and resolving possible violations, proactive maintenance lowers legal risks. A well-known brand gains value and can generate income through partnerships and licensing.

5. Global Stability and Long-Term Investment: By preserving trademarks in many jurisdictions, you protect the value of your brand over time and maintain a consistent brand image. Investing in the durability of your brand improves the robustness and corporate presentation of your company.

Methods for Actively Maintaining a Trademark

Using proactive tactics that go above and beyond standards to maintain the success of the trademark.

1. Administrations for Brand Checking: Think about using brand observation services that employ state-of-the-art technology to monitor the commercial centre for any foreseeable infringement or improper use of your brand name over an extended period of time. These systems can facilitate the discovery of infractions and provides alerts instantly.

2. Assurance of Area Title: To prevent cybersquatting and unauthorized use of your image on the online, protect domain names that are similar to your brand name are recommended. Keep track of different register spacing options to cover common typos or maybe misspellings that could be taken advantage by violators.

3. Collaborations with Brands and Licenses: Exercise caution while managing brand affiliations and authority to maintain control over the use of your trademark. Assure licensees that they follow the usage guidelines and put quality control in place to protect your reputation.

4. Letters of Cease and Desist: Sending cease-and-desist letters as soon as an offense is discovered frequently leads to a speedy resolution that prevents expensive legal action. These letters formally request that the person abusing your trademark cease using it or risk legal repercussions.

5. Initiatives to Register Brands: Take advantage of brand vault offerings from online business platforms to proactively protect your brand name rights in online marketplaces. These initiatives provide you the authority to protect your brand name from unauthorized sellers and counterfeit goods.

6. Monitoring Protected Invention Filings: Keep an eye out for fresh trademark applications to determine whether any of these could confuse consumers or are confusingly similar to your mark. Opposing these applications during the examination can stop the registration of contradictory marks.

7. Participation in Advertising: Maintaining the positive image of your brand can be greatly aided by your advertising efforts. To maintain control over the image and protect your reputation, proactively respond to questions concerning your image from the media or from online entertainment platforms.

In Conclusion

Hence, it may be said that registering entails both a set of rights and an obligation for maintenance. Since it necessitates ongoing watchfulness and timely attention to ensure that no unfair advantage is taken advantage of in favor of other parties, the real lifespan of a trademark doesn’t start until after the trademark has been registered. To fully benefit from one’s mark, the aforementioned points must be carefully considered.


1. Is it possible to have a trademark removed from registration?

If an application is made in the appropriate form to the Registrar indicating erroneous registration of the mark, it can be removed.

2. To have my trademark renewed, do I have to use it?

Yes, in order for your trademark to be renewed, you usually need to use it frequently. A trademark cannot be eligible for renewal if it is not being used for the goods or services it covers, according to several jurisdictions. Your trademark may be canceled or not renewed if you don’t use it.

3. I acquired a trademark through a trademark assignment contract. Am I in Charge of Maintaining It Up to Date?

Yes, you are in charge of maintaining the trademark that you acquired by an assignment agreement as its new owner. This include making sure it is used suitably, renewed when required, and guarding against violation.

47 posts

About author
Swetha, LLM, a lawyer with skills in writing legal content, is passionate about simplifying complex legal concepts and engaging readers with her insights of nuanced legal ideas. She is able to preserve the accuracy of legal material while adjusting the tone and style to fit the audience.
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