Trademark Search for Ecommerce: Protecting Your Online Business.

Trademark Search for Ecommerce: Protecting Your Online Business.

2 Mins read

One of your most valuable assets as an owner of an e-commerce business is your brand recognition. Standing out in a tough online market may depend mostly on a strong, controlled brand. Many companies, nevertheless, skip the need to do a thorough brand search before starting. This blog post will go over the actions you should take to protect your business and steer clear of later expensive court battles.

Determine if Your Intellectual Property is Eligible for Trademark Protection

Finding if your design, image, or unique business name may be registered comes first in the trademark search process. Intellectual property of a broad range may be included under trademarks, including:

  • Words, lines, or slogans
  • Logos, symbols, or drawings
  • Sounds or smells – Color schemes or mixes

To be qualified for trademark protection, your intellectual property must be unique and not too similar to the current logos in your business. It’s important to perform a thorough search to ensure your suggested brand is unique and open for use.

Utilize the USPTO’s Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS)

Searching the United States Patent and Brand Office (USPTO) database comes next after you have found your possible brand. The Trademark Electronic Look System (TESS) lets you look for present brands that could be like yours. This step is really important to avoid maybe legal action and abuse of the intellectual property rights of others.

When performing your search, be sure to try a variety of phrase pairs and changes to ensure you’re hitting all your points. Pay close attention to the classification of goods and services, as this can help you spot possible problems with other businesses in your field.

File Your Trademark Application

It’s time to send your application with the USPTO if your search turns up your suggested name as available. Depending on the complexity of your name and the filing method you decide upon, the first filing price might range from $225 to $400.

The USPTO will check your name throughout the application process to make sure it meets filing requirements. This might involve ensuring your goods or services are properly classified, rating the uniqueness of your mark, and looking for any possible problems with present trademarks.

Maintain Your Trademark Registration

Once your name is filed, it’s important to keep it to ensure your brand stays safe. This includes filing a Statement of Use within a set timeframe and paying the needed care fees every 10 years.

Failing to keep your trademark registration can result in the loss of your exclusive rights to the mark. It’s crucial to stay on top of these regular jobs to keep your business safe from possible abuse.

Protect Your Online Business with a Trademark

Any e-commerce business owner should start their process by doing a thorough brand search. Investing time to protect the intellectual property of your brand helps you avoid expensive legal battles and guarantees that your online business distinguishes itself in a crowded market.

Recall that the basis of a good e-commerce business may be a strong, guarded brand. Following the advice in this blog piece will help you to take the needed care to protect your business and place your company for long-term viability.

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About author
Kanakkupillai is your reliable partner for every step of your business journey in India. We offer reasonable and expert assistance to ensure legal compliance, covering business registration, tax compliance, accounting and bookkeeping, and intellectual property protection. Let us help you navigate the complex legal and regulatory requirements so you can focus on growing your business. Contact us today to learn more.
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