What are the Top Reasons for a Name Change in India?

What are the Top Reasons for a Name Change in India?

4 Mins read

Often, we find that individuals tend to change their names for various reasons and circumstances. This is permitted by the law on the basis of following certain prescribed procedures, such as the change in a person’s name. Sometimes, the individual might change his or her name due to no particular reason but only that they want to change the same. It is necessary to ensure that this is not done for fraudulent or deceptive purposes. The reasons why individuals would want to change their name can be understood as follows:

The Dislike Held Towards Current Name

The reason for this may be assigning a traditional or a commonly used name that does not give any feeling of uniqueness or is made fun of may be one major reason. At times, the name assigned to them combined with their parents’ names may also be a reason why they would want to change the same. At times, the individual holds a strong dislike towards his name due to the fact that the same is embarrassing or can be embarrassing if misspelt or mispronounced.

Change of Name Due to Divorce

When a woman takes the husband’s name upon marriage, she may have to change the same on the occasion of a divorce or separation filed between them. So, she might want to go for her maiden name upon divorce. For this, it is vital that the state laws are checked prior to making any decision, as the laws may change from state to state within the country. This might also take a longer time than anticipated, which might take service from professionals who have experience in state laws and what should be done on such occasions.

Husbands who have taken wife’s name

In the modern era, as a part of hugging equity, we can often see men accepting the name of their wives after marriage. On the occasion of a divorce or separation between this couple, he would have to change the name back to the old one, for which he would have to follow all the rules or procedures included in the change of name. Check for the procedure by seeking help and advice from professionals so as to ensure the procedure is similar and that no extra paperwork or steps are included.

Change in Religion

This is another reason why people in India change their name from their current name. As a secular country, in India, the citizens are allowed to change their religion to anyone they prefer, and when they do the same, it is important that the name is also changed to the one in accordance with their new religion’s laws. And for this, the name-changing procedure should be followed.

At times people also change their names relying on numerology and astronomy as more people are relying on such factors in the country. And for prosperity and such achievement of good factors, it is recommended that the name is changed as per the recommendation made.

Changing or Avoiding Confusion

Often people have names that are difficult to spell or pronounce and for avoiding any such confusion or difficulty they tend to change their names to simple and less complicated ones. This should also be done by adopting the name-changing procedure. Often these are changed to make the name aligned with their identity and easy to identify the same or also due to change in their identity from the prior one.

Change in Gender

People might have to change their gender due to the particular reasons they face, and for this, they would also change their name to match their gender. A man, after changing his gender to a woman, would have to accept a name which is matching with the changed identity as a woman. The same shall be done by a woman who has changed her identity or gender to that of a man.


At times, people, as a part of their support of certain political leaders or parties or certain causes or other political reasons, change their name. This change of name often would be done in a legal manner rather than doing the same in an unofficial or non-legal manner.

Foreign National

Citizens or people who have roots in different countries might want to change their name to make their name more specific to one country to which their root belongs, say, a child whose parents include Indian and American or such other combination and wants to choose one name giving him or her the identity of a country, in particular, would be the case as here.


The procedure for changing the name would include drafting the name change affidavit for the person or individual who would want to change the name. This should be followed by the notification of a change of name in any major newspaper of the country. After this, the documents should also be published in the Official Gazette of India.
With this, the name of the person can be made legal and used in any further circumstance. So, we can say that people tend to change their names for various reasons, and making this legal is vital so as to use this for any legal or official purpose like the application for a passport or driver’s license or even using the same while applying for a job or such other requirement. It is always important that such a change in name is made the legal procedure and that all the necessary procedures are followed in accordance with the law.

It shall also be advised to take service from professionals as otherwise, this might be the time-consuming and elaborate process which would make the whole procedure difficult to be done.

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