Who Can File a Copyright Application in India

Who Can File a Copyright Application in India?

4 Mins read

The Copyright Act of 1957 permits a wide variety of inventors and producers to apply for copyright in India. These include persons, authors, artists, musicians, photographers, and legal representatives. This ensures that the legal protection of diverse creative works, covering literary, artistic, musical, and dramatic compositions. By preserving their rights and promoting innovation across the country, they can navigate the application process with confidence when they are aware of the legal requirements.

What is a Copyright?

The exclusive rights granted to the author or owner of an original work are known to as copyright in legal terminology. This type of intellectual property protection gives the author the only authority to copy, distribute, exhibit, perform, and alter their creations. Generally speaking, these rights cover a broad variety of artistic mediums, including films, software, music, literature, and more.

Who Can File an Application for Copyright Legally?

The following are legally eligible copyright filing applications as per the Act:

  1. An Author

  • The author is the one who actually put the work together.
  • The employer is recognized as the author in a situation referred to as “work made for hire” if the work was produced while the employee was doing their duties. In this case, the copyright is owned by the employer.
  1. Owner’s Exclusive Rights

  • Under copyright law, only the original author possesses the authority to supervise, make use of, and distribute a unique work of art.
  • Distributing copies, performing the work, displaying it in public, duplicating or reproducing it, and creating derivative works are all included under these rights.
  • The owner of these exclusive rights may submit an application to have their claim to the work registered.
  1. The Party Claiming Copyright

The person or entity that has acquired ownership rights from the author through a will or formal contract may be the claimant of a copyright, or it may be the author themselves.

  1. The Duly Authorized Representative

Anyone who possesses the authority to act on behalf of the writer, copyright holder, or possessor of an exclusive right is being discussed here.

Is There an Age Limitation on Copyright Application Filings?

It’s crucial to remember that getting copyright protection doesn’t need a certain age. Because creativity is accepted by copyright law without taking into consideration age restrictions, minors are also allowed to register a copyright.

In addition, unless there is a clear agreement between the authors, each individual who has contributed to a work is automatically recognized as a co-owner.

In Terms of Copyright Protection, What Does “Work” Mean?

After learning that original creative works are automatically entitled to copyright, Let’s look at what exactly qualifies as “work” for the purposes of copyright. Six categories of “works” are protected under copyright:

  • Literary works,
  • Sound recordings,
  • Music,
  • Films,
  • Computer programs,
  • Artwork, and
  • Dramatic works are all included in this category.

The Owner’s Legal Rights in Copyright

You have a number of legal rights as the owner of a copyright, which include:

  • Authorship Claim: You have the right to establish your paternity over the creation of your published work by claiming authorship.
  • Storage and Reproduction: The owner is free to save the work electronically in any structure and to make a tangible copy of it.
  • Control Over Publishing: By exercising your right to publishing, you are able to choose where and where not to publish your work.
  • Public Communication and Performance: The owner is free to communicate with the public or perform the work in public. It is also within your rights to translate or modify the original material.
  • Sustaining Reputation: You are entitled to take the necessary safety measures to protect your reputation and image from any possible danger.
  • Transferring or Selling: The owner may sell or otherwise transfer copyright, facilitating outside parties to use, copy, or alter the work in compliance with the conditions of the transfer agreement.

These legal rights give copyright holders the ability to control their intellectual property and manage and secure their creative works.

What is a Copyright’s Term?

Copyright is established at the time the work is finished and lasts for 60 years following the creator’s or author’s passing.

What Role Does Copyright Play?

Everything you create is protected by copyrights, including works of literature, music, film, and picture rights. Obtaining copyright protection is advised in order to safeguard your work.

Some reasons why copyright is important:

  • If your concepts are protected by copyright, they can be made public, giving you ownership.
  • If you have copyright protection for your work, you can defend it and pursue damages from anyone who violates it.
  • By registering with Indian Customs, the owners can keep a record of their registration and avoid bringing in duplicate copies.
  • The original registered work may be used as the basis for any production that may be subject to copyright restrictions.
  • Without raising any issues, you are free to sell your creations or share them with other people.
  • You are permitted to display your work if copyright protects it.


It is critical for artists and inventors looking to secure legal protection for their creations to comprehend who is eligible to submit an application for copyright in India. People, writers, artists, musicians, photographers, and even legal counsel can safely proceed through the application procedure if they are aware of the precise eligibility requirements outlined in the Copyright Act of 1957 and its later changes. Applicants can protect their intellectual property and promote an innovative and creative culture in India by understanding their rights and obligations under copyright law.


  1. In India, what is copyright registration?

In India, copyright registration is a legal procedure that helps to limit the legal authority of an author’s original work.

  1. Who in India is entitled to register a copyright?

Anyone in India who is an author, original owner, or authorized agent may register a copyright.

  1. In India, is it possible to renew a copyright?

No. There is no provision in Indian law for copyright renewal. This is because the validity has already been in place for more than 60 years.

  1. What makes copyright registration crucial?

It establishes ownership, gives authors legal protection, and lets them assert their rights.

  1. Is copyright registration transferable or sellable?

The copyright registration may be bought, sold, gifted, or franchised with the owner of the work’s approval.

47 posts

About author
Swetha, LLM, a lawyer with skills in writing legal content, is passionate about simplifying complex legal concepts and engaging readers with her insights of nuanced legal ideas. She is able to preserve the accuracy of legal material while adjusting the tone and style to fit the audience.
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